Mozilla Firefox update

Been out for a while, though in theory we should have all been alerted by FireFox. I know all my installs jumped up :)
Actually I was surprised when I got a little alert window - being suspicious by nature I thought it might be a virus masquerading as a real update... lol
It seems to vary in the amout of time it takes to update. Got a few machines at home and its been about 3/4 days between them all updating.
dirtydog said:
I am indeed, en-GB :)

You'll have to wait for the localisation being updated then. :)

IIRC this is the list of fixes between 1.5 and All your extensions/themes should work fine, though it would seem some don't (because the theme/extension developers cocked up and haven't been reading the news for the last 6 months).

Been running with the updates (and some others that you might not see for a while) for ages here, since I'm running the branch nightlies (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20060203 Firefox/1.5 ID:2006020303).
For more details on the nightly builds, look here. Maybe not a good idea if you demand stability 100% of the time.

The update check interval is controlled by app.update.interval (access via about:config) - set to 24 hours here.
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Well Firefox just popped up with the update here so I guess it doesn't happen on the same day for everyone, as said above.
Happened to me this morning and totally took me by surpraised. It updated without a hitch :)
knowlesy said:
the update screwd up my portable firefox !!!!!

it nearly did mine at uni the other day but I managed to restart it and turn off auto update and thats stoped it trying to update all the time
Damn the update has made the overclockers uk plugin be disabled as its not compatible grrr.. I really hope whoever made it updates it as i find i use it a lot.
Download, rename to zip, extract, edit install.rdf to have maxVersion set to 1.5.0.*, shove it all back into a zip, rename to .xpi, and install.
Or just install the Nightly Tester Tools extension, and force Firefox to ignore its MaxVersion.

Edit: If someone gives me the .xpi, I'll even do the work :p
Though it shouldn't need doing in the first place :eek:
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Cant even remember where i even got it from, i mean the exact page. If you can do it dude and link it up here i'd be grateful.
Right i tryed what u did but when it installed and then said will upgrade when ff is restarted. I closed all ff down and checked task manager so its all down. Started then ff again and its not come on, when i goto extenstions its saying the same thing, when ff closes it will be upgraded. So thanks for trying dude. Just didn't seem to work for me.
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