Mp3 noob, needs advice for new Player

29 Jul 2005
ok guys, I am looking into getting an MP3 player, but wow, too much choice and I am very confused. :confused:

I don't use I-tunes I tend to record my own stuff from my extensive CD collection or other sources, I am looking to put all my vinyl (over 400 12" records) onto mp3 format when I get around to it.

I don't really see the need for full video on the mover either.

So, its the choice between 2 as I see it.
1) I-pod 30GB
2.) Creative Zen (not sure of the model.

Would I be better off getting a Creative Zen?
Longer battery life
Cheaper than I-pod,
No I-tunes to worry about ?

I do a bit of Mountain biking and would like to use the player to keep me going so being relatively small would be an advantage, I think something with a screen might get damaged ?
but they do look nice and it seems to be the future...would I be missing out ?

I am dabbling with DJ'ing a pair of Technics decks and wonder if there is a use for the player there too ??

Are there any other brands / models I should look into ?

Ideally I don't want to spend over £120 so I guess thats a big factor too.

Who would have thought it would be this hard a decision ?
Its taken all the fun out of spending money :(
I bought my 8GB ZEN last week(the new credit card sized one)

It's great but not a patch on the iPOD touch(too expensive for all i'm using it for)

The only gripe I have about the ZEN is that the earphones are way to big which means I will have to spend another £50 on a decent set. They are so big that they don't even point in the right direction of your ear canal, they point to the back of your ear so you lose out on a lot of quality. eg if you put your hands over your ears and push the earphones in the right direction the bass suddenly becomes deeper etc..
I do a bit of Mountain biking and would like to use the player to keep me going so being relatively small would be an advantage, I think something with a screen might get damaged ?

That rules out HD based players.
Ooo, thanks for the heads up on the earphone front.
Any suggestions ?

I have heard that the Shure SE210's are good....pricey though :confused:

As for my mountain biking, I am a little more leisurely I don't think I will be in danger of breaking it to badly..I guess I need some sort of case ?> ?>:confused:

Does it come with one ?
Id go for an iPod for the main reason of connectivity.
With the iPod you have a huge choice of after market accessories that other makes can never hope to match and even though you may see no reason for them now once youve got a few gb of music on there you will want to connect it to every thing.
Also itunes, i dont mind using it but you dont have to use itunes if you dont want to, you can just use windows explorer and drag and drop music onto the ipod.
So if buying from a local catalogue store "Ar" which earphones would you buy?

My ears canal seems to be pretty small if the stock creative ones are anything to go by.

Or should I just wait for my next day off and buy my earphones from here?
not opened the packet yet :D I will report back with some findings, as I said it stated to charge for 4 hours before use, so its doing just that.
Then I will update the firmware with the latest and then time to play !
One question, is it worth me getting a Ultra Fast SD card, something like SanDisk 8GB SDHC ULTRA II Card - Class 4 , as you can't fully explore the stuff you put on there, you have to navigate to it other words it doesn't fully integrate into the playlist of the player.

Might as well just get a regular SDHC card?
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