Mp3 player face-off, Nano v Sansa v z5

29 Mar 2005
Well, im getting a mp3 player soon, i want something small, cool, with a good screen.Video playblack is a bonus and sound quality is important

The main contenders are:
Sandisk Sansa

Things i like:
Video playback
Ability to upgrade storage
Screen Size

Things im not sure about:
What it looks like in real life i.e Some photos make it look very nice, others make it seem cheap

Samsung Z5/Z5F


Things i like:
Nice size screen
Metal casing

Things im not sure about:

iPod Nano

Things i like:
Freakishly small

Things im not sure about:
Scratches (I look after my stuff well thought so i shouuld be ok no?)
Compatibity with files on my hdd (192kb/s mp3, do they work?)
Every one and there dog has one

Basically im looking for people who have either of these and how they find them, things they like or hate, in order for me to make a decision on which to get
Thank You
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if sound quality is important avoid the samsung, i have one and in all honesty its shocking, even with upgraded headphones.

im not impressed with my bros nano either. so id say go with the sandisk - looks absolutly stunning in that pic.

ive found sony and philips mp3 players to have excellent quality tho.

heres a review -,39029995,49257034,00.htm
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DannyW said:
if sound quality is important avoid the samsung, i have one and in all honesty its shocking, even with upgraded headphones.

im not impressed with my bros nano either. so id say go with the sandisk - looks absolutly stunning in that pic.

ive found sony and philips mp3 players to have excellent quality tho.

heres a review -,39029995,49257034,00.htm
Hmmm well thats certainly interesting, any other views on that
iPod!, It works with MP3s fine, its tiny, its popular because its the best. Everyone else's MP3 players are just inferior iPod wannabes. If you are worried about scratches then yes the back can scratch easily, but most people I know who have them keep them in silicone skins anyway.
It's the software that's the deal breaker for me - nothing comes close to iTunes in terms of its integration and its ease of use - have you ever had to use Creative's software for instance? Ugh :(
its not as bad as the Samsung, but the Philips and Sony MP3 players I had before had much better quality then the Ipod's.
Wow this is really a fan-boy reply thread! The info posted is shockingly bad!

The samsung uses the new sigmatel 3600 audio chip which is superb! It prob has the best sound quality out of the 3 - only let down is theres no user EQ (much the same as Nano). The iPods are NOT the best either - the nano distorts badly in bass etc - there are much better players about than iPods!
Vegetarian said:
Wow this is really a fan-boy reply thread! The info posted is shockingly bad!

The samsung uses the new sigmatel 3600 audio chip which is superb! It prob has the best sound quality out of the 3 - only let down is theres no user EQ (much the same as Nano). The iPods are NOT the best either - the nano distorts badly in bass etc - there are much better players about than iPods!
user eq doesnt bother me that much, you seem to know what your talking about too :) and as ive heard of no complints too sound quality from the reviews ive read and having seen it earlier on (looked cool as hell)
i'm leaning towards the sammy atm, would like a opinion on the sandisk however
The Samsung is a better player - Its also UMS with latest firmware! I seem to remember reading a few complaints about the Scandisk on other forums. If you want a user EQ look at the new Sony NWE005 2 gig players - they sound supurb but your stuck with sonicstage!

If I was going to buy a flash player today Id get the Sony - only because its small and has a user EQ! Close second would be the Samsung-Prob has the better SQ.

Another option is the Creative Zen V Plus 4gig due to be released!
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yeah i looked at the plu v, but its not my thing, i just dont like, that 'look' the sammy is looking a very attractive prospect atm, especiallly in silver, white looks nice but if i wanted white i would go for a nano
Vegetarian said:
Have you looked at the sony?
no, but i fear that 2 gig is too small, i'll consider it tho
Edit: just looked at the pic, I know that one, i saw it earlier, as VERY small and looks good black, but im not sure if 2 gig is enough, however the 3 hours play from 3 mins of charge is very cool
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i love the size of the sammys etc and the sandisk, if i went up a size to a 30gb ipod or creative, i would go up again and get a archos av500 or creative zen vision for the simple fact that they do video properly
After a couple of years of owning a Creative (broke), Aiwa (still going), then a Sony MP3 player (sold), I finally succumbed and bought an iPod. I think its's superb, particuarly the usability of the click wheel, menu system and software.
Eliot said:
i love the size of the sammys etc and the sandisk, if i went up a size to a 30gb ipod or creative, i would go up again and get a archos av500 or creative zen vision for the simple fact that they do video properly

A PMP is quite a bit larger than a 30gig mp3 player - I use my Zen Vision:M in the gym stuck in my waist band of gymshorts. The ZVM is fine for watching movies - I often watch them on trains!

Sounds like samsung is for you - but remember it does not suport video's (yet... the sigmatal 3600 chipset does).

Another idea - a pocket PC with a 2gig sd card +.... It can play music and play videos with biger screen - yet is smaller than a PMP and 30gig mp3 player.
puppy said:
It's the software that's the deal breaker for me - nothing comes close to iTunes in terms of its integration and its ease of use - have you ever had to use Creative's software for instance? Ugh :(

I have a Creative Zen and an Ipod Nano, and love them both. But the Software...i am in complete opposite to the above statement...

Creative mediasource is really easy to use, a doddle.

Itunes pfft...i have sleepless nights thinking about it lol, its a total nightmare, a mean take this delete an album you gotta physically click on either the delete or cut command yea? well, no lol, i lost 20 albums thru itunes and i deffo didnt click delete, its got a mind of its own grrr.
Solved it by buying the Anapod program, drag n drop, learnt it in 2 minutes as opposed to six hours of that itunes crap :eek:
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