Mp3 player face-off, Nano v Sansa v z5

UMS drag and drop for the win tbh. I'f i buy a player it HAS to be drag and drop. Also pmp's arent that big. You can get smaller ones, though they are still bigger than a vision m.
the supplied headphones with the nano are absolutely terrible, I use my icemat siberia headset with them (only for indoors though ;) ) and the sound is very punchy but still lacking in bass.

we also have a creative zen micro in the house, that with the supplied headphones offers fantastic sound quality but there is distortion with death metal :)

but I would reccomend a rio carbon. since the company has gone kapoot these are available VERY CHEAPLY in certain online retailers. I would try searching in froogle and go from there
OK pretty much nobody's mentioned the sansa so I will - every review I've read of it has been more than favourable. It's a bit bigger than the nano (depth wise) , but is much cheaper (if you look around you can double your storage for the same price), has a longer battery, better screen and can play videos.

As a saturday job, I spend my time playing around with mp3 players - I haven't had an opportunity to play around with the sansa yet, but the nano isn't as good IMHO as some say. Added to this, when you buy the sansa you get everything you need - whereas with a nano you'll be buying a case (IIRC the sansa comes with a pouch) and a plug so that you don't have to charge it through the computer.

The sansa has got some great reviews, and I can really understand why, I'd suggest you look at that option very seriously.

link to a review

Id get the Samsung - more accessorys, more forum suport inc. firmware updates etc. The scandisk has a few probs with it - one being u cant watch any videos longer than 10 mins and they must be in quicktime format and sound quality is so so...
the only thing thats holding me from buying the samsung is wheter i'll use 4 gigs too easy
the only thing holding me back from buying the sandisk is what you just saod about sq /goes to check out library
i heard that with a good codec the difference betweemn 128 and cd is very very small, how do i do that, because then, i will use 2/3 of the space i am using now
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Vegetarian said:
Id get the Samsung - more accessorys, more forum suport inc. firmware updates etc. The scandisk has a few probs with it - one being u cant watch any videos longer than 10 mins and they must be in quicktime format and sound quality is so so...
Not true - it divides your video up into 10-15 min chunks, but that's just like dvd's are divided into chapters - it's for you to be able to skip through them, they still play as one.

The software it comes with converts any video to quicktime - just drag and drop.

I've heard the sound quality's great - just the supplied headphones are so so, maybe we've been reading different reviews?

Remember with the sansa if you want to upgrade the memory you can. It also does have a radio - it's just disabled in european models due to eu taxes - I'm sure they'll be a firmware that'll enable it.

Eliot said:
Things im not sure about:
Scratches (I look after my stuff well thought so i shouuld be ok no?)
Compatibity with files on my hdd (192kb/s mp3, do they work?)
Every one and there dog has one

Scratches will happen. Unless you want to use a Martin Fields screen protector, but they are hard to put on.

Cant vouch for compatability, but iTunes will convert everything if you wish.

The reason everyone has one is becasue they are good.

Also, if you fancy flashin your unit you can get video playback on it as well
can someone tell me,
what is ogg vorbis? is it good? how is it compared with mp3, and out of ogg, mp3 and wma is best? i'm guessing mp3?
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Ogg is just another compression and a rather good one - its prob the best for low bit rates. WMA is also good for lower bit rates - a 64kbs file sounds as good as a 128kbs MP3 file.

But a VBR LAME MP3 I find is best for very high quality files...

Have you not bought an MP3 player yet?
nope, i will in the next 5 days.
im beginning to wonder if there is a realistic point in spending 170 pounds on a small mp3 player with 6gb of storage, when for 10 pounds more i can spend it on a zen vision:m, however, i have seen 4gb samsungs for 129.99 delivered. tough call indeed.
Also: how would i rip my cds' in lame mp3 format?
Eliot said:
nope, i will in the next 5 days.
im beginning to wonder if there is a realistic point in spending 170 pounds on a small mp3 player with 6gb of storage, when for 10 pounds more i can spend it on a zen vision:m, however, i have seen 4gb samsungs for 129.99 delivered. tough call indeed.
Also: how would i rip my cds' in lame mp3 format? Find the latest version of the lame mp3 codec
ask forum member bledd. he's got an eac installer all setup and ready to go with lame included
just looked on a (popular) dvd wbsite and accidentally clicked on the creative zen media m. then i saw taht it did fm and mic, cool i thought, i already know how cool the screen is, then i thought i could have all my lost episodes on there.., then saw the white colour with BLUE (sex in led form) leds and thought THAT IS MINE. so i think im going to get that, i trust the audio playback is decent?
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