MP3 player for gym

7 Nov 2003
Whats a goodun? Obviously needs to be small and discreet but theres so many to choose from i dont know where to start. Some flavour of ipod perhaps? Will be needed for both treadmill and weight training. Any recommendations?
expensive for what the OP wants imo

Expensive is a relative term, you can't put a price of practicality or convenience. We don't know his budget or what else he could use it for, personally I would get the nano, then you can also use it on long journeys and stuff.
because mobiles are crap lol.
I know it's a tongue in cheek quote but there's nothing wrong with the Sony mobiles and they're just as good as any MP3 player on the market. The headphones that come with the walkman phones are superb, I bought some along with a 4gb memory stick for my K800i last year, job done :)
i dont get on with really. my ex had w810, the ui just annoyed me. the e850i is no better, my gf has one of those. my old n95 was better but the sound is just crap. my viewty is..poor. the battery life on any of them is ok, but ive not yet found any phone that id consider up to the job, not after owning a fair few mp3 players. my sony walkman mp3 is better than any phone i've tried, by a big margin:)
Load tracks onto memory stick. Press play and listen... what can possibly be so much better between players apart from loads of faff?

Memory size (4gb can hold more than enough songs)
Earphone comfort (Sony are amongst the best)
Player size (this is where a dedicated player can beat a mobile but not the big ones like the sony walkman you mentioned)

I mean what else is there that really matters? :)
Expensive is a relative term, you can't put a price of practicality or convenience. We don't know his budget or what else he could use it for, personally I would get the nano, then you can also use it on long journeys and stuff.

but why get the nano? 50 squids for 1gb capacity or get the creative stone 4gb for 40? hmmn let me think..... :p
Load tracks onto memory stick. Press play and listen... what can possibly be so much better between players apart from loads of faff?

Memory size (4gb can hold more than enough songs)
Earphone comfort (Sony are amongst the best)
Player size (this is where a dedicated player can beat a mobile but not the big ones like the sony walkman you mentioned)

I mean what else is there that really matters? :)

choosing the tracks you want, actually *holding* a phone while you're training...lots of things. sound quality (i know what earphones the sony phones use), battery life, lots and lots of areas where they fall down.

and what do you mean big ones like the sony walkman i mentioned? the a81x series arent big at all lol. if you have no great needs for a better player then a phone will obviously do, but they are far from ideal and it is by far easier and all round just ..nicer, using my sony mp3 player than any of the phones i've listed previously:)
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but why get the nano? 50 squids for 1gb capacity or get the creative stone 4gb for 40? hmmn let me think..... :p

Yea you would think it's pretty easy to decide from that point of view wouldn't you... but people still decided to drop a bomb on the inferior iStuff all the bloody time, just becuase everyone else has one, why?

I just don't understand it, it's like Apple joining the graphics card market and everyone buying their card even though it's useless compared to the Nvidia and ATi offerings, but it is white and looks pretty inside your case. :/
Sansa Clip, built for the job, relativity cheap, small, light, and one of the best sounding mp3 players there is.
Do you do much running? As the nano has the Nike+ benefits?

Do you have one too? I think they're a fantastic training tool, I can see my progress as I get fitter and faster. The advert is pretty spot on - I find that I run further and faster with music and audible feedback on my pace and performance.
Do you have one too? I think they're a fantastic training tool, I can see my progress as I get fitter and faster. The advert is pretty spot on - I find that I run further and faster with music and audible feedback on my pace and performance.

You'd probably progress more with your running if you invested in a decent pair of trainers!
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