MP3 player for gym

Sonys are now drag-n-drop.

How loud are they?
The great thing about my ailing IPOD Mini which has done 8 marathons, countless half marathons and a million other runs plus being thrown across the pavement at least 50 times is that it can go very loud.
I've tried other makes and they don't have the volume.
How loud are they?
The great thing about my ailing IPOD Mini which has done 8 marathons, countless half marathons and a million other runs plus being thrown across the pavement at least 50 times is that it can go very loud.
I've tried other makes and they don't have the volume.
On paper not very, but Sony have underrated the power output, same as they did with the battery life.

In reality its more powerful than most and its also possible to disable the stupid euro volume limiter in the options (which you may have been hitting on your other players).
it isnt more powerful that my old h10, or my iaudio d2. sounds better than both but in loud environments it doesnt fair as well due in part to the low output and also because of the earphones, which while great do let a fair bit of noise in.

In reality its more powerful than most and its also possible to disable the stupid euro volume limiter in the options (which you may have been hitting on your other players).

no it isnt, thats the AVLS that you can disable and its not the same thing. the nwz's are very limited in output power and the limiting is also very aggressive, you can hear it pinking as it cuts back the output.
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it isnt more powerful that my old h10, or my iaudio d2. sounds better than both but in loud environments it doesnt fair as well due in part to the low output and also because of the earphones, which while great do let a fair bit of noise in.

no it isnt, thats the AVLS that you can disable and its not the same thing. the nwz's are very limited in output power and the limiting is also very aggressive, you can hear it pinking as it cuts back the output.
Your right about AVLS I wasn't thinking and mixed it up, I meant to say that it doesn't actually have an euro limiter as Sony don't build them into their players anymore.

As for output iriver and especially cowen are renowed for massive outputs so that isn't suprising, I have 3 sammys here: P2(44mw), yh-j70(60mw) and a Z5(44mw) and my 618(10mw) is louder than them all......still think the Z5 sounds the best out the lot mind.
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