Mr. Orange

2 Jan 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hi guys and welcome to my mod log of my CIT 1002 :)

I decided to start work on my old case today :D

This is how it looked like before starting work:

Dismantling case:

Tool less parts:





All panels together:

Tomorrow I'll start painting the interior orange :cool:

Thanks for looking :D sorry for the quality i only have an iPhone to take pics :(
I like Orange stuff.

Please get a better camera though at least for the end shots.

I hope you are going to modify the lighting around that case.
I like Orange stuff.

Please get a better camera though at least for the end shots.

I hope you are going to modify the lighting around that case.

Yeah my camera is quite bad I'll try my parent's camera next time :P
I already have some 120mm xigmatek orange fans and some orange tubing *hint* *hint* and I'll be using that :)
Orange is my favourite colour :P

Obvious statement of the year right there?

Good luck for the build :)


Thanks man :D
yeah ive already bought paint i finally managed to paint my parts today along with parts from my day-to-day case :)
will post pics tomorrow
:( sorry i was unable to go to my dad's workshop today :(
ill show you guys some stuff that im either gonna put in this finished mod or in my storm sniper :)














A lot of pics I know :P
this looks like it has promise, but man....... those photos:(

As modding is essentially a visual media you need nice photos to have a nice thread

most are shakey and out of focus. if it's camera phone try backing away a bit and then cropping. it doesn't appear to be pulling the focus most of the time but then sometimes a real nice one so it can do it. check camera settings.

please do nice photos as i really want to see what you're doing here
Indeed. Even my spare rubbish camera does a better job than this. Do you know anyone you can borrow a half decent camera from for the duration of the mod? Maybe even buy something simple.

You can see a couple of the images are ok but others are really quite bad.

The other thing is that your night shots will be even worse and using lit fans you'll never be able to show them off.

It's just that you are going to do some good work here and want to show off your efforts and it will be undermined by your phone camera.
yeah i am getting a new phone soon with a better camera but ill try using my parent's camera even though its a couple of years old :/
hey guys,

I got my new phone yesterday the HTC Desire HD :)
so I decided to take some pics as promised :)
this first one is a test;

these are the panels for my project and the others are for my storm sniper :) enjoy :D






wadda yah guys think about the new phone camera?

Looking good, You have the phone i want (lucky Barsteward :P and also can't believe what your doing to that biek jacket with the orange overspray!)

But apart from that looking good :)

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't made any updates to the build log recently as I've been revising for my exams and also I just finished watercooling my main rig tonight :D
I'm gonna do the second coat of paint tomorrow so I will either update with some more pics tomorrow or once the paint has dried :)
is that case any good? love the style, i prefer it over a lot of cheap cases by bigger brands, but is the airflow any good? and hows the cable management? is it worth getting this over this?

thanks :)
I wouldn't really recommend the case because there is absolutely no cable management, the airflow is terrible as even though there are two 120mm fan slots you can't ger to the front ones to fit a fan as the 3.5" bays are in the way, I bought it from a different site from overclockers and it was just so I had a case until I got enough money to buy a new one and anyway the site don't even list it anymore.
Overall if you could stretch your budget then I'd recommend this case
Yeah I love that motherboard itnwould look great in my main rig as that's black with orange mesh and pci plates :)
Just a shame I have hardly any money just now and also it's x58 I'd rather ifnit was a sandy bridge motherboard
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