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MS Word/Chrome Youtube uses 100% of CPU?

if its like FF it will be a seperate process doing the video. 30% sounds okay.

word using 88% does not seem right at all.

Thank you for this.

Yes, MS Word is increasingly looking like the culprit, rather than just Chrome/YT. Looking online, it appears others have had similar issues with Word 2013, but usually the problem's been traced to headers/footers from previous versions of Word in the 2013 document, or always exhibiting high CPU useage even when apparently doing nothing.

This one is odd in that it's 0% when I'm doing nothing in Word, but even just typing in a new, blank document the CPU useage rockets.
Look at post 6 on this thread.

Other people experiencing same issue.

Cheers ope - though I'm not getting 100% CPU with YouTube videos, just around 30%. It's the combination of Word and YouTube that's the killer. And it seems it's actually just Word that's the killer given it's riding 80-90% CPU just typing with only Word open!

So thank you all for your troubleshooting ideas and suggestions etc. Seems Word is the culprit! Now to solve that one...
I'll sum up my experiences of Amd's past and current line of "APU's".

Total and utter waste of time and space, how AMD took the lackluster Piledriver and manage to take a such a stumble backwards i will never fathom.

Really?? What a rubbish over-generalised statement.

This is my review of an A6-3670K based system I built a few years ago:


I even compared it to the Core i3 2100 I had at the time,and I and a few mates have done a few budget ones since including A10 5800K based and A8 7600 based systems. Even tried out an A4 4000(although that was more a basic media box). I have used the Core i3 3220,Xeon E3 1220,Xeon E3 1230 V2 and Xeon E3 1230 V3 too.

That very same system,3 and a half years later is still having NO PROBLEM handling day to day tasks.
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You could download Libre Office as an alternative. I use it exclusively on my PC.

Unfortunately that isn't an option - this is a machine for my parents, and they just wouldn't switch given both still use MS Office for work.

More likely to buy a hefty CPU I think. But this 80-90% CPU Word thing doesn't appear to be normal, so hopefully it can be fixed with some tweaking.
Unfortunately that isn't an option - this is a machine for my parents, and they just wouldn't switch given both still use MS Office for work.

More likely to buy a hefty CPU I think. But this 80-90% CPU Word thing doesn't appear to be normal, so hopefully it can be fixed with some tweaking.

Its a known problem for a while:


Even people running CPUs like a Core i7 3770 are reporting it can cause problems!!
Browser/flash hardware support seems to come and go. On an old netbook I still use, last year Firefox had terrible Flash performance so I switched to Opera, now this year it's the other way around (on Linux, mind). I see you've tried Chrome and Edge, worth trying Opera and Firefox too IMO.


Youtube should be using HTML 5 instead of Flash. You can check to see if it is here:


I find that my old Celeron laptop almost crashes when using flash. It's somewhat better with HTML5.

In general I agree. In my experience though, in some cases hardware support is better through Flash than HTML5 video. It's worth trying both, in multiple browsers.
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Clearly a software issue. Extremely wrong to put it down to 'crap' AMD hardware and their APU's.

I used an AMD A4 1450 (kabini -jaguar arch) for about 8 months, pretty much my default for work and media/browsing for some time. It was a quadcore SoC at 1.0 GHz (single core turbo to 1.4) with 4 GB single channel ram. Threw in an old ssd ofc. It handled multitasking fine, documents and hd video without problem.
Tried re-installing it??

Did just this just now, and instead installed the 32 bit version rather than the 64 bit. Word now down below 10% CPU useage under heavy typing. So, excellent!

Would the switch from 64 to 32 really make that much of a difference? Or is it more likely the fresh install sorted things? (To be thorough I should have just redone 64 bit and tried, but I can't see them ever needing its 'features' vs the 32 bit)
Browser/flash hardware support seems to come and go. On an old netbook I still use, last year Firefox had terrible Flash performance so I switched to Opera, now this year it's the other way around (on Linux, mind).

Did an update yesterday and Opera is back to running smooth full-screen Flash video. :rolleyes: :p
Did just this just now, and instead installed the 32 bit version rather than the 64 bit. Word now down below 10% CPU useage under heavy typing. So, excellent!

Would the switch from 64 to 32 really make that much of a difference? Or is it more likely the fresh install sorted things? (To be thorough I should have just redone 64 bit and tried, but I can't see them ever needing its 'features' vs the 32 bit)

Probably just the reinstall sorted it, but yeh, there is little functional difference.
I'll sum up my experiences of Amd's past and current line of "APU's".

Total and utter waste of time and space, how AMD took the lackluster Piledriver and manage to take a such a stumble backwards i will never fathom.

This is absolute gibberish and can only second what Cat mentioned in post #26. Why people have such narrow minded attitudes is hard to 'fathom' but I guess its endemic in any products you buy that people have their prefences and competitive brands they hate (for no substatial reason).

Clearly a software issue. Extremely wrong to put it down to 'crap' AMD hardware and their APU's.

Seems the evidence is mounting up that in this instance.. its not AMD hardware that's at fault! :)
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This is absolute gibberish and can only second what Cat mentioned in post #26. Why people have such narrow minded attitudes is hard to 'fathom' but I guess its endemic in any products you buy that people have their prefences and competitive brands they hate (for no substatial reason).

Seems the evidence is mounting up that in this instance.. its not AMD hardware that's at fault! :)

Agree utter rubbish. Still have the Phenom 955 x4 around as a a living room media/guest PC and it does dailytask fine and even some gaming.
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