** MSI EASTER EGG HUNT - WIN A MSI SandyBridge xxxx-GD80 **

Anyone know what time the winner is announced tomorrow or is it just any time of the day? :D


Do we know or can you release how many entries there has been?

That'd be interesting to see, always curious to see how many people take part in these things, I'm guessing at least a couple of hundred, as most simply won't post here.

Not only that, how many people actually correctly found 5+ egg's and what percentage got the question right as well!?!
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It would have been cool to have a confirmation if you correctly found 5+ eggs but I guess that would've taken loooooooooooooong!!

(unless you do and I didn't because I didn't get it right:eek::()
Ahhh mate, you mean you didn't get confirmation? They got back to me the evening I submitted saying I had the correct answers.
Ahhh mate, you mean you didn't get confirmation? They got back to me the evening I submitted saying I had the correct answers.

Nope :( I was thinking about re-submitting as well, when you could find them all easily, but I submitted on the first day when they weren't so easy to find!

That's a bummer! I should've asked sooner I guess :mad:(@myself lol) :(
Nope :( I was thinking about re-submitting as well, when you could find them all easily, but I submitted on the first day when they weren't so easy to find!

That's a bummer! I should've asked sooner I guess :mad:(@myself lol) :(




Been keeping an eye on this thread for ages waiting for this reply!



Been keeping an eye on this thread for ages waiting for this reply!

*hangs head in shame*:o

I was a bit dubious at first and thought I'd leave it a while and see if someone else comments but after a while I thought he wouldn't be so cruel as to toy with my emotions like this would he?!?:rolleyes:

Apparently so....:(

Oh well, live and learn: Lesson being not to be such a gullible fool! lol :D
He might think that he is fooling you. I did get an email back. If neither of you two did, then perhaps you answered it wrong, or your entry was not submitted?
He might think that he is fooling you. I did get an email back. If neither of you two did, then perhaps you answered it wrong, or your entry was not submitted?

I think the old proverb "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" applies here! ;)
He might think that he is fooling you. I did get an email back. If neither of you two did, then perhaps you answered it wrong, or your entry was not submitted?

yea im sure he personally emails everyone back.... theres usually over 1000 active members on the forums must take up a lot of his time :rolleyes:
well, the winner is one lucky person. no doubt its a nice suprise to win. but winning aint everything, hopfully the entry date will not be extened.

personal, to see the winner to be one who needs the upgrade rather then one who just upgraded (also bet that if someone just upgraded to SB and then won this they would be slighest bit gutted)

the joy of being in a comp. we all put the competative face on and dream of what improvements it would mean to us. unless i have missed something iv not seen one person who would rather have seen it go to someone who needs it over their own.
not blaming anyone, its a compation. its who whole point of play. just good luck and who ever the winner is.

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