MSI Neo & Double sided RAM = ?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I wonder if anyone can verify this for me please?

I have just been going through my PCs, checking what RAM is in what machine etc, and I have found, that I have a fair few sticks

Here is what I have

MSI Neo4
4 x 1GB Samsung PC3200 - Single Sided

DFI Lanparty UT 250GB
Mobo 1 = 3 x 512MB OCZ 512MB
Mobo 2 = 2 x Corsair XMS 4400 TwinX

MSI Neo2 Platinum
2 x 512MB Corsair XMS 4400 Platinum

Asus P5GD1
2 x 512MB OCZ PC3200

Mobo 1 = 2x512MB Corsair XMS3500 BH5
Mobo 2 = 1x512MB Corsair XMS3200 BH5 + 2x256MB TwinMos 3200

Now, the other have fairly mixed up naff junk el-cheapo ram, so stuff those...

Now, what I am considering now, is this:-

The MSI Neo2 has only 1GB of RAM, and I want to take it to 2GB

In the 2GB, the closest I can match things up are with either

2 x Corsair XMS 4400 TwinX
2 x Corsair XMS 4400 Platinum


2 x OCZ Value PC3200 ( ocz400512v3 )
2 x OCZ Value PC3200 ( ocz400512v25 )

Now, in both cases, I have a small dilemma

While I have 4 sets of matching pairs, I dont have them 100% the same. I am also seeing that all *** sticks are double sided. The Neo2 has issues with double sided doesnt it? I am a little worried about killing the board as I have read some weird horror stories about people who have used double sided RAM. Some say try it, some say dont, but I am seriously wanting to.

I am not sure either about the Neo4 come to that... I am using 4 sticks in there, but they are PC3200 and are single sided ( Robbed from the P4 which is a DDR not DDR2 so that was handy as the P4 is a dog anyway ) so could I say, take the 4 sticks from that, swap them over, cos I dont mind if that gets knoicked down to 2GB at all... After all there is no noticable difference between using 2GB and 4GB... Hardly any at all between 1GB and 2GB coem to think of it, but hell, I got the RAM, surely I can use it better ?

Anyone have any suggestions?
I have got a half-way house now...

My daughters Gigabyte K8VT800M has a pair of Crucial 512MBs sticks that are single sided, and my youngest sons PC also has a pair of crucial Value sticks... All are rated to CAS2 DDR400 and all are single sided and I risked those.

It still plonked itself to 333 which I assumed would not happen, however, I kept it there and booted up normally and it seemed fine!

had a little piddle about at the BIOS, and now the CPU is running 2.5 just fine and its got its 2GB while my other mess about PCs are all still on 1GB.

I found a spare Corsair XMS3500 that I thought I had lost, and thats gone alongside the other stick on one of the NF7S Boards instead of a pair of TwinMOS sticks and I have taken the XP from 200FSB to 210 ( I know these sticks are good for 250 before volts, but the CPU isnt and its already hot enough, so 210 is fine... Hell, my son is only 8 FFS! he dont care.

So, job done I think?

I would still prefer to use the corsair as thats good for 290 before I need any adjustments on the volts, so if anyone can still offer any input, I would be grateful
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