MSI X99A SLI Krait Edition anyone got one?

Got this board set up, mainly got it because my ASUS x99 sucked, and I liked the colour scheme.

Been trying to disable all the CPU power saving crap (realtime audio through USB, can't afford DPC latency spikes)

So far I've disabled EIST, Speedstep, C-States. I don't see C1E anywhere or anything else, but I see them on MPower board pictures.

Am I missing out on anything or is that fine, and I don't need it?
Turns out everything isn't so hunky-dorey after all.

Since installing the mobo I had an issue where my mouse would lock up and freeze for a second a few times - assumed it was just the battery in it dying, until I was typing a message and the keyboard did the same thing, so I ended up typing 'ggggggggggg'. Tried updating the chipset from .9 on the motherboard driver page to .10 from Intel, as it had some supposed USB X99 fixes.

No joy there either. Using a Corsair K70 and had the mouse plugged into the USB port on the keyboard, so for now, I've switched the mouse to another port to see if the keyboard has gone duff instead (aware this is unlikely due to the timing), but I'm just making sure. Kept the keyboard in the same USB port to see if that port is duff, as well.

Otherwise, it's probably the mobo, huh? :( Hate USB.
I've just set one of these up, and not had any major problems so far. Certainly at default speeds it works fine. The biggest issue is the non-intuitive EUFI bios and the setting therein. It was running my RAM way too slowly, but it took me about ten minutes to figure out which settings to change to use the XMP settings from the RAM properly. That said, whenever it failed to boot, it just goes back to a default setting and asks you to go into BIOS again, so I was never locked out. I'm just stability testing at default ATM, then I'll start overclocking and see where I get (5820 and water cooling).
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