This looks shopped
I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
Is using Photoshop allowed? Don't say anything in the rules about it. I dont think it should be allowed to photoshop a mug or person into the image.
I will be posting myn soon
Haha, I shall get out the Mug when back at uni. See what I can do
Also, more info on prizes?
Can you think of any better reason to order your very own Official Overclockers UK Elite Gaming Mug?!
Terms & Conditions
- Only 1 entry per person.
- Pictures must include a head shot and a real (not Photoshopped!) Overclockers UK mug.
- Competition closes 11.59am Wednesday 18th January 2012.
- Purchase necessary, you will need an Overclockers UK mug to take part!
- Offensive, lewd or pictures deemed to be inappropriate will be removed.
- Judges decision is final and no cash or prize alternatives will be offered.
- Goody bag contents are worth at least £50 but exact contents will vary.
- Contents will include an actual bag, tshirts, pens, flash drives and more.
- You must be a forum member in order to post your picture.
Here is my unofficial entry.[IMG]
Terrifying. :p
I don't have a mug and so won't be playing :(
Phwoar nice quality! What camera did you use to take that with?
I owned a mug for a short period of time before I sent it to my SS.
I demand he enter!
You sent a used mug to your SS......