
watched it over the weekend with my stepdaughter. Not knowing much of the history involved or seeing the cartoon version I didn't think it too bad and was only peeved that they didn't really use the cast that they had. Jet Li and Donnie Yen. Oh and the whole "Chi" "Force" crossover. Im pretty sure she wasnt a precursor to the jedi's

My stepdaughter, who is chinese, was disgusted by it :D apparently there is quite a darker chinese version from way back that is the one to watch.

Feels like Mulan is just itching for an 18+ screening
Yeah the Chinese one is alright, I only got through about 20 minutes of this new one before falling asleep and I haven't bothered returning to finish it, thought it was utterly "meh"
Watched this the other night. Hadn’t seen any of the other ones before, but thought this was crap.

Watched the Honest Trailer and thought that pretty much nailed my feelings. I did if all asleep through part of the film, but not sure I missed much.

Seems to be pretty colours are a substitute for character development and a well paced story these days. Disney can do one.
It's been reported that Disney have probably made net profits of just over $260m to date for the on demand release of Mulan. :o

It is NOT "Net Profit" and a lot of bad journalists are just copy/pasting this into new stories for their websites without doing any fact checking because they're bad journalists!

What the original story said is that 9 million users have paid $30 each to make $270m to give a "Disney+ box office only" figure not including any extra cash made by the worldwide cinema release (approx $40m so far). However that "box office" figure hasn't removed the costs of making the film or advertising it from that figure so that $270m is not "Profit" in any way and certainly not "Net Profit" either.

At the moment it's looking like the real profit/loss will be a loss of around $50-80m as it cost $200m to make + $200m to advertise - $310m box office so far.
It is NOT "Net Profit" and a lot of bad journalists are just copy/pasting this into new stories for their websites without doing any fact checking because they're bad journalists!

You're right, i posted early and took it at face value :)

We've still got the physical DVD release later in the year for this to come as well, although with it being on Disney+ by then, i think it'll be quite lacklustre.
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