Multiplayer Airplane games???

Thats a shame as there is nothing better than firing bullets into paper wings and watching them circle to the ground.

Anyone else know of anything that might be what i am looking for?
hey up,

i would be interested as well,

Nothing better than getting a personal kill.

only game i can think of, and i cannot remember the name of, was that microsoft flying game where it was set with zeplins, you flew out of them, in a mad max sort of setting.

had a really good story to it, was very arcadey but not too much so. And the online dog fighting was pretty good.

We need a WWI flight sim with online dog fighting, would be ace. nothing better than gettin close enough to see the whites of their eyes then unleashing lead into the wings lol
Datamonkey said:
hey up,

i would be interested as well,

Nothing better than getting a personal kill.

only game i can think of, and i cannot remember the name of, was that microsoft flying game where it was set with zeplins, you flew out of them, in a mad max sort of setting.

had a really good story to it, was very arcadey but not too much so. And the online dog fighting was pretty good.

We need a WWI flight sim with online dog fighting, would be ace. nothing better than gettin close enough to see the whites of their eyes then unleashing lead into the wings lol

Crimson Skies?
Ah, crimson skies was a class game. Very arcadey though :p

IL-2 & PF is what you are after. Granted it only has about 3 or 4 bi-planes but you can still choose to fight other bi-planes if that is what you prefer. The whole game has so many unique aircraft it is hard not to just hop into a hurricane now and then :D

There is a new game called "Battle of Britain: Storm of war" which is the newest expansion from maddox and will add even more aircraft to the game. :)
Knights of the Sky was out a looong time ago, had it on my ST. That was a brilliant WW1 fightersim. Took sooo long to climb you really had to plan your dogfighting carefully.
OzZie said:
Ah, crimson skies was a class game. Very arcadey though :p

IL-2 & PF is what you are after. Granted it only has about 3 or 4 bi-planes but you can still choose to fight other bi-planes if that is what you prefer. The whole game has so many unique aircraft it is hard not to just hop into a hurricane now and then :D

Are they modern planes though? Prefer if I could shoot down the Red baron. Someone make it for me please lol
Most aircraft range from Pre-WW2 to POST-WW2. There are a few bi-planes as i said but not many and i'm 99% the red baron isn't included.

However, dont let that stop you from buying the game. The dogfighting concept is still very similar and just as rewarding. :)
Battlefield 1942 was fun for dogfighting with lots of different aircraft and loads of mods. The maps were larger than BF2 and you had a lot more room to set up an attack etc.
^ Carried on in the states though (Fighter Ace). Fighter Ace 2 was good - I think that was the one. Some of the organised events were awesome, I remember flying a polykarpov with around 200 other people going head on against 300-400 germans. Awesome :D
FirebarUK said:
^ Carried on in the states though (Fighter Ace). Fighter Ace 2 was good - I think that was the one. Some of the organised events were awesome, I remember flying a polykarpov with around 200 other people going head on against 300-400 germans. Awesome :D
only thing was you had to pay to play that (subscription) whereas Air attack was free to play/download over wireplay.
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