Multiplayer Airplane games???

FirebarUK said:
^ Carried on in the states though (Fighter Ace). Fighter Ace 2 was good - I think that was the one. Some of the organised events were awesome, I remember flying a polykarpov with around 200 other people going head on against 300-400 germans. Awesome :D

Fighter Ace was brilliant, was always fun diving onto the Japanese zero's in a corsair and hitting their fuel tank and exploding them :D
I must say I miss Red Baron. Haven't played any flight related games in ages though, other than the time I installed simcopter again the other month..
Third Opinion said:
Yes I use to play it over that BT service? I forget the name now?

Wireplay that was it, probably the most addictive multiplayer game ever. Shame Wireplay went belly up it killed it.

It is still going. The website is still up and the AA community use Korean servers iirc.

AA was the first ever game I played online back in the days of dail up. I still remember asking other players if they were actually real people of computer controlled. Best online game of all time :)
Cybermyk said:
Battlefield 1942 was fun for dogfighting with lots of different aircraft and loads of mods. The maps were larger than BF2 and you had a lot more room to set up an attack etc.

its a shame the draw distance was only about 10 feet though, kinda made air combat a bit difficult when things only popped up on ** screen a couple of seconds before u passed them
Crimson skies...worth buying?

Its only £2.99 on some shopping sites.

With the multi player option are there many that play still? Is it like a forum that you can link up with other people?
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