Not quite sure how to position/explain this thread, but I was thinking how like many people I have a bit of a lethargy towards games, massive backlog and general decision paralysis about what to play, you know the drill. But that thread has been done 100 times.
What I am finding is, I'm tending to spend quite a lot of time on gaming but a big chunk of it is just playing or spectating my preferred multiplayer game (that I've played for many years). I kind of feel this is a bit to the detriment of single player game experience. I mean, I have a ton of games on Steam / Game Pass / uPlay / EA Play / GOG etc. I have a decent PC that can handle modern games. But I still find myself spending more hours on an ancient game than all other games combined. So the backlog just continues to grow because I never get round to playing these games, even though I do still enjoy SP gaming when I get into it.
Clearly, the reason I still play an old multiplayer game is because it's still really good, I enjoy it, each game is unique, I (generally) feel like I am competitive etc etc. So that's not a bad thing, it's more than just playing it out of habit. But equally I feel I miss out on quite a bit, take the Assassin's Creed series for example I'm currently [off and on] working my way through Unity, so am a few titles behind now. I enjoyed the Borderlands games but haven't got onto BL3 yet. I've owned a PS4 for several years but have never actually used it for gaming just playing video.
What I am finding is, I'm tending to spend quite a lot of time on gaming but a big chunk of it is just playing or spectating my preferred multiplayer game (that I've played for many years). I kind of feel this is a bit to the detriment of single player game experience. I mean, I have a ton of games on Steam / Game Pass / uPlay / EA Play / GOG etc. I have a decent PC that can handle modern games. But I still find myself spending more hours on an ancient game than all other games combined. So the backlog just continues to grow because I never get round to playing these games, even though I do still enjoy SP gaming when I get into it.
Clearly, the reason I still play an old multiplayer game is because it's still really good, I enjoy it, each game is unique, I (generally) feel like I am competitive etc etc. So that's not a bad thing, it's more than just playing it out of habit. But equally I feel I miss out on quite a bit, take the Assassin's Creed series for example I'm currently [off and on] working my way through Unity, so am a few titles behind now. I enjoyed the Borderlands games but haven't got onto BL3 yet. I've owned a PS4 for several years but have never actually used it for gaming just playing video.