Multiplayer taking too much time away from SP gaming?

First or second? Yes I've heard the first is rotten with cheats but the other problem is a lot are cheating in Division 2 as well. Then there are the other lot who aren't downright cheating but they've been told by others who know how to exploit the game glitches.

Some others know how to get outside the map and get on top of buildings. Some know how to go outside the map then come back into the world invisible then there are others that know how to lag switch. I don't know what else is being abused but sadly PVP in Division/2 is full of exploiters that Ubisoft wont do anything about it.

TD1 - I never really gelled with TD2.
SP games are a bit dull to me these days I just think I'm missing MP fun. That said I'm playing Icarus at the moment which is co-op and it's awesome fun. I'll be playing this for donkeys
Are you playing multiplayer games by yourself or with a group of friends?
Not 'friends' in the traditional sense, more acquaintances I have got to know through playing the game. It's not the people that keep me coming back to the game, it's the game itself. I also spend quite a bit of time on the game not playing but rather writing/talking about it, administering tournaments and the like.
I'm a bit like OP, though my game of multiplayer choice is GTA 5 Online. I usually like the races.

I'd never really played a non-mmorpg online game regularly before. But I find myself always loading up GTA 5 Online and playing a race or two then shutting the game down.

I think I like playing it because its easy to jump in and out of. Whereas a single player game tends to need more time and focus.

The problem with multiplayer games generally is they can make a bad game look good. I remember at one time it was difficult to add a multiplayer element to a game so it used to always be a second thought when making games. But these days people are making games specifically for multiplayer. So they haven't got much depth to them. They tend to be very repetitive.

I think as a general rule I find the best multiplayer games are were the multiplayer element is the addon.
I never bothered with multiplayer before GTAO, it was always single-player games. However, that is still the only multiplayer I play with randoms.
I have 6500 hours in GTAO but a lot of that is in invite sessions grinding solo because of cheating.
The only other game is Borderlands 2/3 where I coop with a mate.
I still prefer my own company when playing as I now have a number of disabilities that can seriously mess up playing with others if I am unfamiliar with the game.

I also do not use voice chat only text messaging.
League of legends does this to me.

The balance around family time and work I then put my free gaming time into a game that sometimes just is a complete waste of time.

But it's also addictive :cry:
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