Multiroom AV receiver?

TBH, I think any equipment suggestions are a complete waste of time at this point. There's still no real or useful information about the technical challenges that he (?) is trying to overcome. For example:

* why does he need volume control over the 3 stereo speaker sets?

* why do active monitors need careful placement?

* what's the actual soundtrack being played?

... and lots of other questions besides.

The problem here is that this isn't a typical cinema installation, so the solutions that work for movie playback might be partially- or totally-unsuitable for what is a very niche application. That won't stop people making suggestions, of course. But there's a world of difference between just throwing any old kit at this and doing it right.

To put it in flying lingo, this is a journey without a flight plan, and no weather maps checked, and no idea whether it's 2 passengers or 200. In effect,all we have so far is "Let's get a plane and fly somewhere sunny!"

BTW, the image links in the other OCUK post appear to be broken; something about signatures expired.

I'll keep an eye on this thread, but I'm not going to waste any more time trying to help someone who won't help themselves. Think I'll choose an airline that knows what it's doing.
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