Muse's new album

28 Mar 2004
oh dear oh dear oh dear. The name of the 4th album has been released

"Black Holes and Revelations"

and the new single

"Supermassive Black Hole"

Am I the only one dissapointed with these titles. The album title might be ok, but because the single is so rubishly named it just looses effect!

Anyway, its out soon woohoo so I won't judge it just on the name yet. :p
got it! Sounds like Britney Spears and ROoster did a duet. I really am not joking. However I like it, in a way. IE I wouldnt tell people in public I like it, I would slate it for not actually being muse, but secretly, I like it :p
philio16 said:
Listen to Jo Whiley on Radio 1 between 10 and 1 tomorrow, she is giving it it's first play :)

Muse, Prince and Nine Inch Nails was my breakdown of the song influences! :p

nope, its britney.
It smacks of "why dont' you do something"
IceBus said:
LMAO... I used to write/be an editor at Fake DIY. The quality hasn't improved and Stephen is still a certifiably manic Muse fan.

The album doesn't fill me with hope from that review.

to be fair, a muse fan can be quite a good reference for a review, as they can say they dont like the direction they are going in.

From what ive heard so far I think the album is going to be brilliant!
Gaijin said:
I'm so, so sorry I stole your thunder :rolleyes:

Jesus, talk about bitter - bad day?

common though. You posted half an hour after me but did exactly the same thing?

not bitter, just making sure you open your eyes a bit next time.
Gaijin said:
Well I am sorry, like I said, and on reflection I should have noticed but I didn'y. Still you could have been a bit more polite about it without dishing the rolleyes out - it's not like I did it on purpose.

Still, thats all i'm gonna say about it, apart from saying i'm sorry again :)

Still, can't wait till the third when the album comes out.

no problem man. Should have used :p instead methinks :)

btw ppl, muse gig next month apparently, tickets to be released soon. Its a pre-album thingy :D
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