Museum of Power, critique

10 Mar 2006
Hi all, some of you may remember that I was asked to take some photos for the Museum of Power, kick-starting a little photography business for me.

Here's a tiny set of photos I took; have a look at them and destroy me as appropriate. I'll provide some background after some people have had a look at them, I'd like the honesty first. :o

Link to Flickr album here.

DSC_8121 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_8044 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7982 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7950 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7919 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7915 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7909 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7908 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7888 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7852-2 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

MoP by Alex Bayes, on Flickr

DSC_7959 by Alex Bayes, on Flickr
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Tbh if I was the client - I'd be quite happy with them,

You've done a good job of capturing the atmosphere, features and overall look of the place,

One thing I would say in terms of improvement, is to be more wary of perspective control - shooting with the camera level so that walls and vertical objects don't look like they're falling over, these things are often more exaggerated with wide angle lenses, and indoors - or where walls are prominent.

But on the whole - they seem like reasonable shots to me,
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To my eyes, the darker, more contrasty shots are the most visually appealing (7909, 7950, 7908) compared to some with the slightly washed-out appearance. Though for their promotional material, the bright and breezy ones are useful (along with the crowded look of 8044, 7919, 7852). 8044 is particularly nice; love the driver and his mug. 7909 looks like it would work well in an advert/editorial setting with room for added context (or leading into implied context: turn the page, read the accompanying text, come and visit, etc...)

I wonder if a little processing might help with the glare (e.g. 7852, 8121) or possibly a polariser (foliage reflections on 8121). If the extra time cost was covered, I'd be tempted to smooth out the area around the highlight clipping on 8121, possibly alter the sky colour, and tone down the microcontrast on the leaves.

Congrats on getting the gig!
Well, on the strength of them I'd go there, though its too far away... my son would love it!.. You seem to have captured this essence of the place and what is there too see, and I'm sure they will be happy with them. Shot 3. seems a little weak, with lots of uninteresting floor space.

You can't beat old machines, looked after by old men in overalls and flat caps, and long may it be so... though I fear they are a dying breed.
The wide angled lens distorts the people at the egde of the frame, though in the space you were in I doubt you could do much about it.

They are a massive improvement on the shots the museum had previously.
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