Well creating a physical reaction is far different to genuine emotion, dance music/electronica has several simple tricks up it's sleeve, synths can very easily generate sounds that people will react to and associate with different emotions that's not to say dance music can't be emotive but if they want they can simply dial in patch happy 5 or scary 6 on their synth, that's a damn sight harder with a 3/4 piece band.
That's my theory anyway, huge fan of dance music but this is why it's harder for bands to sound emotional sometimes, when they do though I feel a little more effort has gone into it
One man One guitar, simple and works for me, just a song for a friend.
vs let's say, the effort and jiggery pokery that goes into this:
I guess that's a little like a Hang Glider vs A CGI spaceship but you get the idea, dance is a lot of simple tricks and nonesense
I've waffled enough...I hope my point was in there somewhere
That's my theory anyway, huge fan of dance music but this is why it's harder for bands to sound emotional sometimes, when they do though I feel a little more effort has gone into it

One man One guitar, simple and works for me, just a song for a friend.
vs let's say, the effort and jiggery pokery that goes into this:
I guess that's a little like a Hang Glider vs A CGI spaceship but you get the idea, dance is a lot of simple tricks and nonesense

I've waffled enough...I hope my point was in there somewhere