Must Have Gift For George Bush Haters

Ex-RoNiN said:
He can't be re-elected.

He can extend his stay if there's a national crisis, like WW3.

That's why Franklyn Roosevelt stayed in power for 12 yrs.

I thought it was because of him they introduced the 2 term limit.
me227 said:

did you not read the first line of my second post? The one which you quoted.
No, no, that was what you 'get'. You see? He was just answering your question. You have now lost your right to use the rolleyes smiley in the future until you can prove to us that you can use it responsibly.
Arcade Fire said:
No, no, that was what you 'get'. You see? He was just answering your question. You have now lost your right to use the rolleyes smiley in the future until you can prove to us that you can use it responsibly.

I'm sorry. :(

:D -Fixed for cheet

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If I recall correctly he can't get re-elected because there'a a limit of two terms per president ;)
How many more people can we get to say it? ;-)

Carzy said:
George Bush doesn't care about black people.

and I really don't remotely know how you can think you know what George Bush cares about. Unless of course you two happen to be buddies.
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