Must have pc games

What type are you into?

Here are a few:
Half Life 1 and 2
Call of Duty 1 and 2 (1 is a must)

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Battlefield 2
hl1 and 2
counter strike source
day of defeat source
battlefeild 2
grim fandango
pro evolution soccer 5
football manager 2006
call of duty 2
GT Legends
HL2 (never played HL1 but i'm sure it's good)
COD2 (purely for the online gameplay ;))
FarCry, great game

That's all i can think of :o
***** Battlefield 2
***** Call Of Duty 2
***** Fahrenheit
***** Far Cry
***** F.E.A.R.
***** Guild Wars
***** Half Life 2
***** Knights Of The Old Republic
***** SWAT 4
***** TES IV: Oblivion
***** TES III: Morrowind
***** The Godfather
***** V:TM - Bloodlines
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Tsk tsk, no System Shock 2?

Though my most important PC 'game' is my SNES emulator and various ROMs ;) It's much nicer than my old flaky SNES cartridges and their failing sram batteries..
Morthoseth said:
He can post whatever he likes if he doesnt link to it / explain how or whatever, iirc?
I'm not sure, better safe than sorry though ;)

EDIT: I guess it's ok then if you own the ones you play.
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines.
Trackmania sunrise
Quake 4
Doom 3
Half life 2
NFSU 1 and 2 and Most Wanted
Flat Out
Pro evo 4/5
Unreal Tournament 2004

Are a few of the "latest" ones i can think of.
Off the top of my head-

Vampire the Maquerade: Bloodlines
Baldurs Gate 1/2
Icewind Dale (haven't played the second one)
Diablo 1
Far Cry
Half Life 1/2
Quake 4
Broken Sword 1/2
Day of the Tentacle/Sam & Max
X3: Reunion
Elder Scrolls 1-4
Age of Empires 2
Worms series
Total War series
C&C series
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