Mutterings of a GrumpasaurusBex

13 Jul 2009
I decided at the back end of last year to get my fat ass back into shape & improve my general health also. I started at a local gym on machine weights but a mixture of things there (cost, attitude, facilities) resulted in me switching to an alternative gym.

I'm not sure anyone will be interested in the puny weights that I lift but I thought it'd be useful for me to track how I progress.


Day 1 - Mon 8 Jul

• 10 min treadmill warm-up | incline = 0.2 → 0 | Speed = 5

• Chest press /w d-bell 1 x 10 @ 7kg weights each hand | 1 x 10 @ 8kg weights
• Chest press /w bar | 1 RM @ 37.5kg
• Chest press /w bar | 1 x 8 @ 20kg | 1 x 6 @ 22.5kg | 1 x 4 @ 25kg
• Bent over rows /w bar | 1 x 15 @ 25kg | 1 x 12 @ 27.5kg | 1 x 10 @ 30kg
• Shoulder press /w d-bells | 2 x 10 @ 6 kg | 3 x 8 @ 7.5 kg
• Leg raises | 5 x (20 x short & 10 x high)

Circuit x 4
• MB Slams | 30s
• Battle rope | Alternating @ 20s
• Battle rope slams | 10s
• Plank/Leg raises | 15s

Warn Down
• 7 min treadmill | incline = 0.2 | Speed = 4.5
What is your whole programme? What's your diet like? Other than shedding a little fat what are you after?

WE're interested in everyone's training as long as they're open minded with the advice they receive!
Hey FF - I'm not sure what the whole program looks like at the moment. One of the lads at the gym is training me and will look to mix things up every 4 weeks or so.

Other than the w/loss, I'd say improve strength in the muscle groups. I've not really thought about any other aims & maybe that's something I need to consider. I just wish it was shedding 'a little' fat :p.

Diet wise, at the moment it's a little out of whack but in general complex carbs, protein, veg & fruit (strawberries, raspberries & pineapple). Little dairy, little → no processed foods where possible. I don't drink tea, coffee or milk & tend to drink water 95% of the time.

I don't generally like fish so I take cod liver oil supplements. I'm a fussy eater in some ways, I don't really like nuts, seeds, eggs, most fruit, cottage cheese ... the list goes on :p.

For flavorings I tend to use dried spices & cook in olive oil. I've also now got coconut oil in /shakes fist in the air at the failed almond & coconut pancake attempts :(.

The last month has been particularly bad diet wise with more sweet cheats than I should have & eating out.
Needs some squats.

Lol leg/lower body day will be later in the week ;)

Leg day will usually consist of some of the following body squats, lunges, weighted lunges, bulgarian squats, deadlifts, stiff leg deadlifts, push press, stiff leg good mornings, squats with bar, kettlebell swings & step-ups on a small box.

Other things I may cover in the week:
• Oblique twists
• Tricep pushdown @ cable machine
• Skull crushers
• Bicep curls
• Hammer curls
• Lateral raises /w plate
• One arm d-bell rows
• Shrugs
• Push-ups (I'm awful at these :p)
• Front lat pulldowns

I may have missed a few things, I'm terrible with the names of things & I'm still learning them ;).
We'll have you at GrumpasaurusFlex in no time. :o :D

Oh, come on - none of you thought that, or saw it coming? Seriously? :(

I think FreeFaller was asking about the structure of your routine - I know you say "some of" but it is quite helpful to do a consistent set of lifts week to week so you can track your progress and adjust to make sure you're on your way to achieving your goals.
Avoid Oblique twists. Training the core is about resisting movements i.e. not twisting or flexing the spine.
We'll have you at GrumpasaurusFlex in no time. :o :D

Oh, come on - none of you thought that, or saw it coming? Seriously? :(

I think FreeFaller was asking about the structure of your routine - I know you say "some of" but it is quite helpful to do a consistent set of lifts week to week so you can track your progress and adjust to make sure you're on your way to achieving your goals.

Lol :D

Unfortunately I don't know what the program is. I turn up, get tortured, shower & then go to work :p.

Day 2 - Wed 10 Jul
• 10 min treadmill warm-up | incline = 0.2 → 0 | Speed = 5

• Rotator cuff /w d-bells 2 x 15 @ 5kg weights each hand
• Lat pulldown | 2 x 25 @ 27kg
• Standing shoulder press /w d-bells | 1 x 20 @ 5kg weights each hand | 1 x 15 @ 5kg
• Active rest | 20 x v-sits
• Tricep pushdown @ cable machine superset /w bicep curls x4
— TP = 1 x 15 @ 25kg | BC = 1 x 8 (each arm) @ 7.5kg
— TP = 1 x 12 @ 20kg | BC = 1 x 8 (each arm) @ 7.5kg
— TP = 1 x 10 @ 20kg | BC = 1 x 8 (each arm) @ 7.5kg
— TP = 1 x 15 @ 15kg | BC = 1 x 8 (each arm) @ 7.5kg
• Skullcrushers superset /w hammer curls x 3
— SC = 3 x 15 @ 5kg | HC = 3 x 15 @ 5kg

Circuit x 3
• Leg raises x 30 pulses
• V-sits x 15-20
• MB slams x 25

• Standard push-up x 2
— My arms were about to drop off by this point :( but at least they were clean

Warn Down
• 7 min treadmill | incline = 0.2 | Speed = 4
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