Mutterings of a GrumpasaurusBex

What is wrong with your knee?

When I was younger I suffered from osgood schlatters disease which resulted in me having to quit all of my sport activities because it became to dangerous to continue as my legs would give way and all in all it was very painful.

From time to time I get similar symptoms, mainly in the left and occasionally in the right. :(
When I was younger I suffered from osgood schlatters disease which resulted in me having to quit all of my sport activities because it became to dangerous to continue as my legs would give way and all in all it was very painful.

From time to time I get similar symptoms, mainly in the left and occasionally in the right. :(

I can't even have leg days as I can't build up muscle in my left thigh due to smashing my knee cap to pieces 11 years ago and damaging all the nerves etc. Sucks eh.
When I was younger I suffered from osgood schlatters disease which resulted in me having to quit all of my sport activities because it became to dangerous to continue as my legs would give way and all in all it was very painful.

From time to time I get similar symptoms, mainly in the left and occasionally in the right. :(
I had osgood shlatters AND condromalacia patella in both knees, fun times.

Look in the mobility thread for ways to stretch your quads and anterior hip.
I can't even have leg days as I can't build up muscle in my left thigh due to smashing my knee cap to pieces 11 years ago and damaging all the nerves etc. Sucks eh.

Whilst some would rejoice at the lack of leg days, it does indeed suck that you can't do them at all.

I had osgood shlatters AND condromalacia patella in both knees, fun times.

Look in the mobility thread for ways to stretch your quads and anterior hip.

Cheers I will do. :)
When I was younger I suffered from osgood schlatters disease which resulted in me having to quit all of my sport activities because it became to dangerous to continue as my legs would give way and all in all it was very painful.

From time to time I get similar symptoms, mainly in the left and occasionally in the right. :(

How interesting... I would ask about how your treatment went and what remedial work you currently do, but that would be:

a) intrusive. :D
b) depending on how sensitive our mods are, potentially interpreted as 'medical'.


How is your hip and ankle mobility? Can you squat (bodyweight) to/below parallel with a nice straight back?

Practically speaking, your training log is probably more interesting from a number of perspectives simply because of what you're trying to achieve, like a number of the weightloss logs on here (I'll call him out: Maxeh', for instance), so keep at it.

I would personally change the emphasis of your routine (your 'upper body' routine is not what I would suggest for what you're trying to achieve at this point), but the key thing is finding something you enjoy (I won't ask about enjoying "torture" - murky area... :D ) and sticking to it.

With your current routine as is, I would really concentrating on getting your diet nailed and sticking to it.

Keep it going! :)
Nick, the non-medical discussion rule is more aimed around people seeking advice and giving advice - sharing previous medical experiences is fine to discuss :)
How interesting... I would ask about how your treatment went and what remedial work you currently do, but that would be:

a) intrusive. :D
b) depending on how sensitive our mods are, potentially interpreted as 'medical'.


How is your hip and ankle mobility? Can you squat (bodyweight) to/below parallel with a nice straight back?

Practically speaking, your training log is probably more interesting from a number of perspectives simply because of what you're trying to achieve, like a number of the weightloss logs on here (I'll call him out: Maxeh', for instance), so keep at it.

I would personally change the emphasis of your routine (your 'upper body' routine is not what I would suggest for what you're trying to achieve at this point), but the key thing is finding something you enjoy (I won't ask about enjoying "torture" - murky area... :D ) and sticking to it.

With your current routine as is, I would really concentrating on getting your diet nailed and sticking to it.

Keep it going! :)

The treatment back then was quit all sports until the bone settled. I tried physio etc but it didn't help and actually made it worse due to the pressure applied. I went back 5 years after the diagnosis, had x-rays to confirm the bone was settled and we agreed that surgery wasn't worth it (the lump I have is small enough etc).

I enjoy working all of the muscle groups ... as much as I moan I can't move 48-72 hours later :p.

For squats I'd say parallel, and the lad that helps me train says I seem to have retained some of the flexibility from being a gymnast when I was younger.

I do sometimes get aches in my hips but it tends to clear after a few days. Bar maybe the one time when I over stretched during weighted d-bell lunges & it hurt to lay on thatside, walk or generally move for over a week. :(

EDIT: I should add that it's been a good 10yrs since the original diagnosis and with the stopping of all activities for 5yrs I picked up really bad eating habbits & became super lazy.

Also I did mention in my OP that Dec last year was when I kind of gave myself a kick up the rear. Well I started training at the old gym late Jan and to date I've lost 4 stone. Which whilst I'm happy with I'm also incredibly embarrassed that I should ever have had to lose that in the first place. :(
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The treatment back then was quit all sports until the bone settled. I tried physio etc but it didn't help and actually made it worse due to the pressure applied. I went back 5 years after the diagnosis, had x-rays to confirm the bone was settled and we agreed that surgery wasn't worth it (the lump I have is small enough etc).

I enjoy working all of the muscle groups ... as much as I moan I can't move 48-72 hours later :p.

For squats I'd say parallel, and the lad that helps me train says I seem to have retained some of the flexibility from being a gymnast when I was younger.

I do sometimes get aches in my hips but it tends to clear after a few days. Bar maybe the one time when I over stretched during weighted d-bell lunges & it hurt to lay on that side, walk or generally move for over a week. :(

Cool, and even better to hear it is all 'notionally' good!

I would definitely head over to the mobility thread, as it seems like you could benefit from it. My money is on that little ****, piriformis. :D

In all seriousness, most people's hips need work, so it's all good. :)

EDIT: Well done on the weightloss! :)
Standard treatment for OS is quad lengthening from both ends, isolating the patella tendon with a strap if the distal insertion is still tender. That isn't even medical advice, it's just common sense when you understand the mechanics of what's happening.

Did I get given any of this when I was suffering with it? Nope. I got told to stretch it and rest it. Well, I wasn't going to stop playing football, so I stretched it which made it worse.
Standard treatment for OS is quad lengthening from both ends, isolating the patella tendon with a strap if the distal insertion is still tender. That isn't even medical advice, it's just common sense when you understand the mechanics of what's happening.

Did I get given any of this when I was suffering with it? Nope. I got told to stretch it and rest it. Well, I wasn't going to stop playing football, so I stretched it which made it worse.

Sexy post is sexy. :cool: :D
So we left legs to give my knee a bit more time to rest so that I can get back to normal hopefully next week.

Sweating and glowing like a lobster after this, if only I could curl up in bed :p.

Day 3 - Fri 12 Jul

• 10 min treadmill warm-up | incline = 0.2 → 0 | Speed = 4 → 5
• Chest press /w d-bell 1 x 10 @ 8kg weights each hand

Circuit x 4 /w 10 sec rest in between each exercise & core after 4th set
• Chest press /w bar | 20secs @ 10kg
• Bent over rows /w b-bell | 20secs @ 10kg
• Good mornings /w b-bell | 20secs @ 10kg (x2) | 20secs @ 20kg (x2)
• Stiff leg deadlifts /w b-bell | 20secs @ 10kg (x3)

Core x 2
• Leg raises | 40 x short
• Side plank | 30 sec each side
• V-sits | 20 | 10

Circuit x 2 /w 10 sec rest in between each exercise
• Chest press /w bar | 20secs @ 10kg
• Bent over rows /w b-bell | 20secs @ 10kg
• Good mornings /w b-bell | 20secs @ 20kg

Warn Down
• 7 min treadmill | incline = 0.1 | Speed = 3.5
You see... this is why I weightlift: 3 reps, and then it's 2 minutes rest. :D

Nice to see that your 'lad' is giving your legs a reasonably shoe-ing whilst protecting your knees.
You see... this is why I weightlift: 3 reps, and then it's 2 minutes rest. :D

Nice to see that your 'lad' is giving your legs a reasonably shoe-ing whilst protecting your knees.

2 mins rest .. :eek: ... you slacker you ;) :p

I jest of course, if I was lifting what you are I'd need to rest for the next year or so :D.
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