
31 Jul 2004
Looky what I bought...



I'm like one of my kids at Christmas...

I might even wet myself later on.. I'm armed and ready to break my X2 :D

I'll document the destruction of my tidy watercooled rig hopefully later this week!
They can be picked up relatively cheap nowadays on ebay, there was a Mach 2 on there the other day that finished around £100.

Matt you really are a kid
He came on msn told me he bought it then buggered off probably running around in joy and concocting new plans ;)

When you going to pick it up?
Marvt74 said:
Matt you really are a kid
He came on msn told me he bought it then buggered off probably running around in joy and concocting new plans ;)

When you going to pick it up?

Guilty as charged :D

dunno, Wednesday maybe, chop my case up and away I go!
Mr Mister said:
i was watching that :p twas quite a bargain, i thought it was gonna end at £200 for a second.

yeah, I should never have bid on Saturday :( we would have kicked off at £150 today rather than £200.

Nevermind, I offered him £230 on Saturday so £250 suits me fine because its about 5 miles from me so I'll be collecting :D :D
He'll still have some pink gayness since the GPU loop will stay in tact, unless it was his CPU loop that was pink.

Tis a great call on the collecting it side of things as they have a tendancy to break in postage
Well you could say all the effort of the first water system, the second (the aspire sff that took bloody ages and I never used) the first dual loop system (the lesser known green one) and now the pink and blue..

I do this for the hell of it.. I can see me pelting the sli cards or using a waterchiller, also got plans to cut a window into the side of the vapo and/or change the fan config to quieten it.

Nothing stays stock for long :p
Marvt74 said:
He'll still have some pink gayness since the GPU loop will stay intact


And yes.. the gfx cards are pink but for how long??? I still lust after proper red water. Red antifreeze in a chilled loop?? Hmmmm

And I've got to chop the NB into the loop somewhere now, seems silly not to.

And wire up a zalman bracket and fan for the bh5 for benching runs.

Etc etc etc.. this is going to take up all my daydreaming for weeks.
Oh dear - he sounds like a child in this thread - I always thought Matt was a bit more mature...

Someone put it together for him - I wouldn't want him to make a mistake in his hurried excitement! :p.

Good luck with the X2!
I can't imagine what I ever did to give anyone the idea I was mature ;)

anyway, I've calmed down now.. normal service is resumed.

I think it was the whole having to wait that did me in, I don't do a lot of waiting for anything. My kids really shouldn't count on any inheritance.
lol and i keep on buying the left overs, i started to emulate his aspire qpack, dualcore, memory, now some of the water cooling parts (blocks), know whats coming next :p
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