
31 Jul 2004
Looky what I bought...



I'm like one of my kids at Christmas...

I might even wet myself later on.. I'm armed and ready to break my X2 :D

I'll document the destruction of my tidy watercooled rig hopefully later this week!
Marvt74 said:
Matt you really are a kid
He came on msn told me he bought it then buggered off probably running around in joy and concocting new plans ;)

When you going to pick it up?

Guilty as charged :D

dunno, Wednesday maybe, chop my case up and away I go!
Mr Mister said:
i was watching that :p twas quite a bargain, i thought it was gonna end at £200 for a second.

yeah, I should never have bid on Saturday :( we would have kicked off at £150 today rather than £200.

Nevermind, I offered him £230 on Saturday so £250 suits me fine because its about 5 miles from me so I'll be collecting :D :D
Well you could say all the effort of the first water system, the second (the aspire sff that took bloody ages and I never used) the first dual loop system (the lesser known green one) and now the pink and blue..

I do this for the hell of it.. I can see me pelting the sli cards or using a waterchiller, also got plans to cut a window into the side of the vapo and/or change the fan config to quieten it.

Nothing stays stock for long :p
Marvt74 said:
He'll still have some pink gayness since the GPU loop will stay intact


And yes.. the gfx cards are pink but for how long??? I still lust after proper red water. Red antifreeze in a chilled loop?? Hmmmm

And I've got to chop the NB into the loop somewhere now, seems silly not to.

And wire up a zalman bracket and fan for the bh5 for benching runs.

Etc etc etc.. this is going to take up all my daydreaming for weeks.
I can't imagine what I ever did to give anyone the idea I was mature ;)

anyway, I've calmed down now.. normal service is resumed.

I think it was the whole having to wait that did me in, I don't do a lot of waiting for anything. My kids really shouldn't count on any inheritance.
<maddness> said:
lol and i keep on buying the left overs, i started to emulate his aspire qpack, dualcore, memory, now some of the water cooling parts (blocks), know whats coming next :p

I can almost remember your address :D
Kesnel said:
I can see you're going to have a lot of fun with this. :)

Be sure to keep us updated with results.

oh yes.. sure it'll be entertaining if nothing else.

Should be picking it up tonight, I can see a day "working from home" tomorrow ;)
ted34 said:
Hopefully be another long thread of case cutting, coloured tubes and this time a vapourchill thrown in. Should be good.

as it happens I was at ocuk today picking up red cathodes, red fans, a swiftech mcw30 chipset block etc etc etc :D

and if the joyless moron who was at the counter whining about his sli'ed 6800GS cards views this thread... cheers up for christs sake and buy some decent hardware.

I was looking around the people who were in the shop with me and I was thinking "do I need to get out more as much as these people???"

I do hope not.
Marvt74 said:
dude i thought you were a southern pansy what you doing at ocuk?

I've my maze 4 pelt block if you wanna borrow it to see how you like tecs

I'll have you know I'm a travelling businessman, I was in lichfield and I figured.... why not!
smids said:
I think you've corrupted him enough Marvt tbh... let him have a finished rig for more than 1 month, please!

I've been bleating at tom and marv for months about phase.. I reckon it was inevitable :D :D

I feel sorry for them!
smids said:
Tom's just as guilty tbh. I nearly got on the phase bandwagon too! Luckily I saved my dosh and bought me an X2 instead (this was a long while ago). Now I have a bit of free money, it will be graphics or PS3, or knowing me, both but I think I'm just going to stick to the simple water for now... until the OCZ phase comes out :(.

I work very closely with sony.. I wouldn't save for a ps3 just yet if I were you... not saying any more.
smids said:
:confused: :( :confused: :( Don't say that!!! A long way off or the final specs have removed blue-ray, bluetooth controllers and just everything good about it?!

@ Marvt: Not a chance!! I have a stacker anyway, and my desk will not allow for phase underneath - a carefully thought out plan by me - muahaha.

yeah I agree stackers are too easy ;)

anyway.. add me to msn and I'll expand.
Jokester said:
Stackers are the best to be honest.


there was one in bits in ocuks sales bit today and they're maaaaasive!

I'd want to build a swimming pool like water system in there!
Right, I'm off to the dark side of the moon..

vapo on my desk, panels off and all cleaned out, mcw30 made up, barbs on the res, family about to go out, pc about to go off and not come back on again until it's either sub zero or its back in its present form with a failure at the helm.

Wish me luck! :eek:
smids said:
Good luck matt :). See you on the other side ;).

@ Matt, are you phasing an X2 or Opti - also, what stepping.

@ Tom, what stepping is your X2?


right.. really turning off now!
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