Mx518 Finally Died

5 Oct 2009
Spalding, Lincs
Sad day today, my Mx518 had finally gone to mouse heaven! Got some awful Lenovo muse now as a backup, but the just resting my fingers on the buttons makes them click constantly, very annoying!

So on the lookout for a replacement sharpish. I have quite big hands so prefer the bigger mice. Not too bothered about thousands of buttons :) I've been looking at these, anything else to consider? I don't want a Razer mouse, bought one last year and felt it was absolutely horrific!

1 x Roccat Kova+ Ultra Light 3200DPI Gaming Mouse £42.98
1 x Roccat Savu 4000DPI Hybrid Gaming Mouse £41.99
1 x Logitech G500 5700DPI Gaming Mouse (910-001262) £39.95
1 x Roccat Kone+ 6000 DPI Max Customization Gaming Mouse £38.99
Total : £163.91 (includes shipping : FREE).

I'm using my MX518 as we speak, it is legendary, the scroll wheel started scrolling itself so I hit it against the wall till it worked again properly. They don't make mice like this anymore it seems:D
I was going to say take it apart, especially if the mouse wheel was playing up. Mine has twice had to be de-fluffed around the scroll wheel since I've had it. Gets dragged into through the gap.
Yeah I cleaned it all out while I was at it.

Proper ***** fix, twisted the wires together and selotape round them :D It'll do for now, I will look at a new mouse eventually though!
andy_mk3 said:
I've had it since about 2005, I know they're good but I doubt they're that good

If it dies again definitely get in touch with Logitech, my 2005 g5 died recently(no right click) and they kindly offered a 50% loyalty discount off their website which I put to good use!

Posted from App for Android
I have no idea if it had a weight in it to be honest!

The serial number has worn off it so not gonna have much luck with logitech I don't think!
MX510 did have a weight within it, I remember removing it to make it lighter I'm not sure if the MX518 has, never felt the need to make it lighter as its just right.

What type of games you play, as that helps people a lot with suggesting a mouse.
+1 to the MX518. Legendary mouse. Made the transition to a DeathAdder after my last one broke, it is just not the same. :(
I replaced my trusty old mx518 a couple of years ago with the g400 and its great, same shape and weight but more dpi and better feet imo.

brought 2 more g400 as back ups as i read its being replaced with the g400s which i think is ugly
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