My 21st birthday...'special' present ideas?

12 Jun 2004
It's creeping up on me a bit...parents are starting to ask whether i want something special for my 21st. So what did you get? Anything special? I was half thinking of something like a ring but dunno. :o If all else fails, i'll just ask for random stuff...
A lot of people get watches. Got a decent one?

Not sure if i'd wear one...never had one, hmm. My wrists are quite slim, may take a look around though...perhaps a watch with a leather strap. Any ideas?

This kind of threads really bug me, if there isn't anything you really want or need why go out of your way to choose something?

Not that i am aware of and i know myself best. :p
I'm looking for ideas really, seeing what everyone else got on this 'special date'.
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