My 5 year old nephew has had his first drumkit - advice

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
The main problem is that he is left handed and left footed.
Would you advise at this tender age to make him play right handed?
Any of you had the same problems when you were younger?
Like a guitar, play with what is most comfortable to start with, there is no benefit of playing left or right handed on drums since you can just swap the whole kit around. This is obviously easier than the guitar where you need a special instrument. With the drums its often best to play with your dominant hand since it does most of the work anyway. :)
If you want a completely biased and ill-advised argument, i'll say this. As a drummer i still think its wierd to see someone playing the drums 'backwards', it will also be a pain if he continues and starts gigging and has to swap the kit round if/when sharing a kit. Maybe having his dominant limbs on opposite parts of the kit might turn him into some sort of super-drummer? :p
My mate is left handed, but was taught drums right handed. He is super talented and can now play either way (rhythm in both hands). Think thats your best bet, although if he doesnt start to feel comfortable with it after a while why not just let him try it out left handed.
Well if you are good you can play both ways anyway, you just want to make it easy to start off with so I don't see why not to start on dominant limbs. Swapping the kit around at a gig is about 2 minutes work if that.

Different opinions of course and different schools of thought. :)
best thing would be to learn on a right handed setup, but play open.
This means your dominant hand (left) is still playing the hi-hats but its not crossed over the right. You'll find a lot of top drummers playing like this, and its supposed to be better in the long run.
I got my 9 year old a full size kit for her birthday in December. She's right handed but I don't see any problem with moving the kit around to make it easier for her to play.

You'd probably be better off leaving it set up as a "rightie" kit, and just letting him play open-handed. (ie: What Jampy said)

Makes it easier for him to play on other kits without having to spend ages switching them round.

Plus, Carter Beauford from Dave Matthews Band plays like that, and he's an amazing drummer.
dmpoole said:
Waits for some pillock to say he's not as good as Neil Peart.

Hahahah. :D

Pretty damn good it was all in time. If you have never played an instrument before it can take people weeks to get that. Good start for the lad. :)
I knew it. He's turning into a super drummer and i'm already jealous of his future millions :( :p

(Seriously though - he's good!)
Scam said:
it will also be a pain if he continues and starts gigging and has to swap the kit round if/when sharing a kit.

Other drummers/sound men are likely to not appreciate this.

If at all possible, learn right handed :)
looking very good!
the kit is setup right handed and hes playing open, just make sure if he ever gets tuition the teacher is sufficiently good and not completely old fashioned, dont want him swapping round ever few years!
I say let him Play whichever way is natural to him,Ian Paice<Phil Collins<Bill Bruford,all left handers,didn't do them any harm.
thats really quite impressive for his age. i was expecting him just to be going nuts causing a right racket! :p

theres no harm in him playing lefty, but if he could learn right handed too, he'll have a great advantage.
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