My AI powered NPC Meta Quest 3 mixed reality project

13 Jun 2013
I haven't been on here as much recently, just been busy with irl stuff and working on my app, I've now added a different avatar which imo is a big improvement, no more Nintendo 64 graphics :D

13 Jun 2013
make the outfit changeable and you'll have something close to "virtual girl" though i think that may be the wrong target audence :D
did you program the dance or its picking it up some were else?

"Meta Quest 3 - TykeAI - OOPS! testing out new avatar model, never meant to set this as a public vid" :)

doing good stuff with this.

Yeh it is getting into virtual GF territory which wasn't my original intention! Latest vid below.

The dancing is a result of several animations created by others, I just strung them together.
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13 Jun 2013
It may not have been your conscious intention, but frankly it's what I've seen from the start, and it's just been a progression from there. Starting as a chatnot. Then twerking in skintight jeans. We now have an avatar wearing a boob tube and a floucey mini skirt doing dancing. I'm guessing there are loads of different directions you could have went. Or maybe not, once you have an avatar that is room aware, walks around obstacles and knows how to identify a seat etc, where else can you go. It basically becomes conversational interaction, unless you can get her to to actually do the dishes, or something!
It's what the user wants it to be really, to me it's an attractive (if a digitised version of a woman can be attractive) female avatar to chat to, I suppose I could have made the avatar fat & ugly (like me :D) and wearing a bin liner but why would I do that? It can't be a full on GF app because the AI I use is strictly safe for work, it'd need a major rehaul to use a different uncensored AI which I don't think (at the moment) I'll bother with.
13 Jun 2013
A YT'er with a few 1000 subs did a vid on my app a few days ago which was a nice surprise as I knew nothing about it.

Well, my app did become a girlfriend app (among other things). I figured out how to make the AI less censored, note it's not completely uncensored, I think it's still tamer than the pure sex themed VR/MR apps. But yeh the avatars can now swear, say they like certain drugs, engage in sexual acts, talk politics, etc.

There's 5 avatars now, 2 men, 3 women. All have varied personalities, backstories, motivations, flaws, etc which can be adjusted in app with a new user interface. I thought I was going to avoid the adult side but tbh I wish I'd done it sooner. It's better now that the conversation can involve adult as well PG topics, just like conversations in real life.

I think a good proportion of users are just interested in the sexy bits :D I have tried it but I was only testing it :p
13 Jun 2013
thats good exposure right there :)
nearly 300 people :)

more an fyi your aware of :
? people may get a bit confused

out of interest are the personalities pre-generated? or could they be tweaked at program inialisation based on a questionaire and pre-preared history or subjests, ya know make them a bit more personalised.

also men with kilts please :D based on the Anna expirence, gotta think about the ladies.
300? You mean 3000 :p . The product is a coding assistant afaik, it's been around longer than TykeAI, I've noticed they've changed its name to KubeSense since TykeAI came out :D

Their personalities are pre-generated (by me) yes but they are fully customizable, can be tweaked in every way with a new UI whereas before a pc was required. Still need a pc/laptop to install it unfortunately but if it goes on App Lab at some point then no computer required for anything. EDIT- can be installed without a pc now, so pc no longer needed at any point.

Men with kilts :D ? There's men but no kilts. I've just started to introduce clothing changes with the new avatar Kevin (he has 3 outfits - it's a start - but no kilt unfortunately :D )
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13 Jun 2013
[yoda voice on]
Suprised I am not
[yoda voice off]
Fair do's u did say it would. It's also a boyfriend app with it having 2 male avatars, plus just a chat app, that's how I use it.

PC no longer needed at any point now, not needed to install it, a Patreon member shown me how it could be done v. easily.
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