My Baby - The Beast

LOL nice that some of you thought the OP was a troll, but funny that he proved he wasn't! :)

Very nice big budget build you have lined up, make sure you get some pics up when it's all built.

I know it was funny the the Lamborghini guy but I think to go to the effort to prove that someone is making a fictitious project log is almost as sad as making it up in the first place. Unless its a pattern over multiple threads that you noticed why would you bother.

Anyway this build looks epic so far. How you planning on cooling it?


:confused: you saying I have photoshoped the pictures?
No, I'm making fun of people that might still be calling you a troll. :D

But I don't think anyone still thinks you're a troll anyway, not sure why they did initially. :confused:

LOL ok, I was going to hit my head against the wall for a second... :eek:
I was banned/suspended for telling Hash70 to get a life and stop being a jealous hater and he should go troll someone else (I never swore or threatened him - even though I was tempted - I restrained myself so I wouldnt get banned - but I think he is mates with 1 of the mods on here... No names mentioned). Sad but True...

yes 2 accounts I created this one because I couldnt remember the login details so while i was waiting for it to be reset i made another one because i wasnt entirely sure I had created an account in the first place...

anyways just in case any of you still doubt i own these components I have taken hi-res pics... there is even 1 with my cat Oscar in!

BTW undoubtedly this account will now get banned and I suppose the otherone which is banned till the 11th will get banned for good, but I had to post more pics cos I dont like people thinking im a liar :-)

anyway with any luck I will be back on the 11th if they lift the ban if not then I will take my project and my money to another site.

So here are the pics 189mb LOL (click them to view full size)

BTW thats my old PC in the backround of some of the pics :-p

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when posting pics do this:

copy the image's url (right click image) then put it in image quotes like this:

I was banned/suspended for telling Hash70 to get a life and stop being a jealous hater and he should go troll someone else (I never swore or threatened him - even though I was tempted - I restrained myself so I wouldnt get banned - but I think he is mates with 1 of the mods on here... No names mentioned). Sad but True...

Think the mods ban new users quicker than they used to to prevent you from childish name calling rather than hash70 being mates with a mod ;)

yes 2 accounts I created this one because I had couldnt remember the login details so while i was waiting for it to be reset i made another one because i wasnt entirely sure I had created an account in the first place...

and yes having two accounts will get you in trouble again. :o
Think the mods ban new users quicker than they used to to prevent you from childish name calling rather than hash70 being mates with a mod ;)

and yes having two accounts will get you in trouble again. :o


there was no name calling as such and certainly not worth suspending people over, funny how the real troll never got suspended...

but such is life

there was no name calling as such and certainly not worth suspending people over, funny how the real troll never got suspended...

but such is life
There was indeed name calling, consider yourself lucky not to have both accounts permabanned as we take very dim views on people using an alternative account to get round a suspension.
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