well, the recovery place also deals with police vans/cars/ and general emergancy vechicals. I got the bike back for £250...... they had it since the day it was stolen but I was never informed by the police great. Victim support knew it was recovered but the actull department giving details doesn't. The police never even told me it was recovered. 11 days after they found it....pah.
So i'm £250 down now. I will write a letter of complaint to the police and ask for the £250 back as they didn't even contact me or when i contacted them they said it was not recovered. Idiots!
The bike looked in good condition. I took it home in my mates van. It had both ignition wires unplugged which i guess means they hotwired it. The front panel was a little snapped off but still held on, so need new hot panel and already bought a new numberplate as it was missing. now the odd thing.
When I turn the key none of my lights come on. The Electric start does not work. It does start when I bumpstart it and keeps running. The indicators are going mental. flashing really fast but when I rev they just stay on. Once it is on I press the electric start and I can hear the spark.
I took it for a 3 hour ride to charge the batterie but still didn't work. I still need to bump it to turn it on and the indicators never work properly.
Should I take the battry out and charge it properly?
What ells could it be?