My boss signed an insurance document under my name

No, I'm waiting to get a copy of the document from the insurance company first. If I kick off, and it turns out the insurance has a v2 copy with a different name on I'll look like a right idiot.

I only saw the document on his screen, so I need to get hold of the actual document.
I wasn't thinking of kicking off, more like have a private meeting with your boss and raise your concern in a non accusative manner.

Hey are saw this document with my name on it but I don't remember signing it could we go through it to refresh my memory or something like that.

It could be an honest mistake, it could be a document that you signed but just don't remember or it could be malicious.
I wasn't thinking of kicking off, more like have a private meeting with your boss and raise your concern in a non accusative manner.

Hey are saw this document with my name on it but I don't remember signing it could we go through it to refresh my memory or something like that.

It could be an honest mistake, it could be a document that you signed but just don't remember or it could be malicious.

I've learnt over the years not to do anything for at least a couple of days :D

It might even be that he initially put my name down, and then thought better of it before clicking send/submit

Think I'll wait to get all the documents first. I like to keep them safe this side anyway, so no worries if anyone asks why I want them.

Thing is, this isn't the first time something fishy has gone on (not with me though), so I definately want to check.
Awaits the inevitable "Our fire suppression system was accidently turned off at the same time that our cryo system failed, our server room is toast" thread.
My ex went into an IVA and signed my name on a land registry document so the house was collateral (a house she declared she wanted nothing to do with via a solicitor many years prior).

I only found out when trying to sell it. £1800 in legal fees and months of harassing the IVA company later I just got the other half of the equity back this week. They'd already paid her creditors from that pot despite knowing about the despute and tried to offer me some now and a montly repayment for 5 years the cheeky sods however after a letter of intent she is now in debt with the IVA company for their own mistake.

The form had an audit trail attached with it where it showed dates and IP addresses of each signature, the signature itself (nothing like my signature) and it showed the request emails for both parties signature were sent to her email address and signed from the same IP address.

Nobody was interested though, I reported it and heard nothing which is frustrating. Nobody in that chain of events did any due dilligence which is very worrying. I would be getting as much evidence as possible and make sure nothing else is in your name from the business. I'd be looking for new employment personally, sounds rather dodgy.
Good man, don't let the vixens grind you down. It's just so easy to furtle about with stuff like that, yet so hard, time consuming and potentially expensive setting the records straight.
Was it a forgery or were they signing "per pro". For instance if it's a corporate function that you fulfil and you are enacting the duty holders responsibility then it is not unreasonable to sign on another's behalf "per pro".

I have done as much myself on numerous occasions. If you are the duty holder however and not fulfilling a function on someone else's behalf that is not on.
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