My boyfriend becomes "single" everytime he visits my country

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I have a boyfriend who lives in UK.I have this long distance relationship with this guy.He was born here in the Philippines but he grew up there in UK. He visits my country sometimes but every time he visits here he flirts with girls (mostly prostitutes and maids). His flirting is unstoppable!We are argue a lot about this.He said he wants some space.I understand that he wants to explore my country but he is doing a different kind of exploration...he is doing "dirty exploration". If he wants to explore, he could have gone to different places but he likes going to bars seeing different kinds of harlots. He usually goes there without me. I'm afraid he might catch some sexual transmitted disease if he keeps doing this. I know that he denies me when he is out with other girls.He never told anyone he has a girlfriend not even his relatives. I think he is ashamed to have me. He has changed a lot.Back then he used to be proud of me.He posted our pictures together on his site and his community site ( He used to be very proud of our relationship... but after several months things had changed. He changed his profile picture and he wont even mention our relationship anymore to his friends or relatives. I remember when we were just friends,he used to date this prostitute girl and he even introduced this girl to his relatives.Why not me?I'm not a harlot but why can't he introduce me to his relatives?I just can't understand my situation at all...

Have you put on weight?
for some reason i want to say i think it's Margaret behind all this...

i don't know why...:p

oh and Marky - thanks i've now got the song "me so horny" stuck in my head! :D
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