My brothers school laptop

8 Oct 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire
I'm thinking of wiping it and putting Windows 7 on it (tiny 7). Hope the school don't mind he has a limited account. also how do I give him admin rights?
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Yeah that's what I was thinking but well it's his laptop, the schools giving away EEE PC 904s. He pays £5 a month for it so it's basically his. All the other kids have changed to admin, Windows 7 would be more efficient on the EEEPC due to the new quick launch.
Ayye. So I would need to format the laptop? Do you know a way without formatting, it's really restricted can't even edit the system32 folder.
Yeah I might just leave it, but I wonder if they would even notice. a lot of schools are doing this now but what if some kid gets theirs stolen from them
lol Yeah it is HIS laptop too and there was only his domain and an ICT one (obviously). His friend changed his to admin before but they cought on and locked the new ones down. I'm going to copy his friends .bat files for the schools network. I have installed everything that was on it like OpenOffice etc. It was locked so bad he couldn't even use a LAN cable to use our home wired internet. I've told him to keep his mouth shut about it :D

We'll wait and see if he gets suspended. Fingers crossed.
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I can't boot from anything with a locked bios. I am taking responsibility for this and life isn't worth living without taking risks. The worst that can happen is all my efforts are in vain and they install their image of XP back on. Btw Jon do you work nights, you seem to be up in the twilight hours all the time.
The school lock/passworded it. I had to bypass the Windows XP password first to install Asus's update bios program. I erased the bios and updated it with the latest one to reset it. In bypassing XP it resetted it all to factory defaults so no point backing it up.

If all fails I will give him my own laptop for school.
Haha thanks :D The Asus update utility actually reboots to POST to install the bios, so not from Windows itself. To be honest I never really thought of imaging it (stupid). Also this 904 Laptop has different connections so can't really connect to image it. These laptops have been given out to over 200 year 7 pupils as a new learning scheme. I'm not sure if they repair/checkup on the laptops but if they do they're in for a suprise, and I'm in for a spanking! :eek: Find out on Monday hehe.
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Well nobody needs to maintain it because he has a tech savvy brother. His account is still restricted and it has the same anti-virus the school installed. He's not going to get into any trouble as I'm responsible. The most that will happen is they re-image it. If that happens then fair enough let it be but these laptops are for learning and why give a laptop that you can't do anything on because it's locked down like a goverment nuclear facility. Some of the other kids laptops come on Windows 7 (the expensive option laptop) so why not his, it's exactly the same except it's not XP.

Westyfield2 I think that is a very fair idea, an option to take responsibility, it's not hard to maintain a computer if your working at IBM.
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Hmmm Jon, really good point. I was thinking about nuking it after I read memyselfandi's post. I even know what you mean about laptops, the first time my girlfriends laptop broke I was absoultely useless. Nowadays I think people prefer to just re-install rather then spend hours fixing a virus.

Tiny7 is illegal I did say I was putting RC on it later which I did and then I was going to re-arm it 3 times until my Windows 7 comes which is 100% legal.

I havn't used torrents for 2 years, except the odd thing.

I just have to mess with things, I did with my Wii trying to mod the fan and case. That broke. I can't help it I have to try and tweak a computer and clean it up it's like an OCD. I actually enjoy formatting and re-installing everything. I'll just swap his laptop for his friends whilst he isn't looking.
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