This really is a beautiful build. Kudos to you mate!
Nice placement of the SSD. I didn't realise one would fit there - mental note made
Thanks, this is a fairly handy place for an SSD, works really well and the foam tape holds it firmly but i can still take it off without any sticky marks. (Win)
How much air can you feel moving through the 200mm radiator? I've an Antec 900 case, so I think one of those would fit nicely in the lid, but I've always been reticent due to the static pressure of 200mm fans being what they are. Bit-tech did an article many moons ago on fans, but it's never been updated...
Well im not gonna lie, there isn't a great deal of air flow through that fan, and as the only intake it is a bit of an issue. But it feels very cold at the intake, byt the filter, so there must be air going in. I might spin the rear fan around and make it an intake and then filter it, but it does look so much uglier that way round...
As a general note, i have done a bunch of overclocking, benching and other various tests and im fairly happy to say the least. I have also taken some pics as best as i can do so i hope they do it some justice.
In addition, i want to mention Lucid virtu MVP as being fairly awesome IMO. Reasons for this will be more apparent when i upload some stuff later.