If your'e willing to spend some cash on this get a KFA2 GTX680 if you really want to go all white, red and black.
Otherwise the MSI one looks pretty good, apart from the blue bit on top.
It might be nice to add some braided cables too to finish the whole thing off nicely.
I would go GTX 680 but to be honest it is quite far out of my price range, also not too keen on the White PCB, however I will try and consider some of the MSI Twin Frozr 3 Designs, as they feature red and black lines on them also. I am also planning to buy some Corsair fully braided red cables, only when I upgrade my PSU to one that's supported by them though.
dont spend money on pointless parts that you dont need mate. get the rig performing as you want and then do the finer details.
Also something like a closed loop watercooler is only really something I'd buy when I would be looking at heavy overclocking anyway, that is if I don't skip it altogether and move to proper watercooling. However it's not necessary at the moment so wont need to look at that kinda stuff just yet.
Have got an fan controller due in the post, however only to keep my fan noises down when I don't need them so much, as they are pretty noisy at the moment. Any ideas as to where to place the thermo sensors would be great.
Thanks for the advice, next step for me I think is focusing on getting a half decent ATX mobo, as I wont be getting a new GPU just yet...