My dream has come true: Ship Simulator 2006

15 Sep 2005
I've been waiting for a ship simulator for quite some time. And it looks like it has finally happened.

Ship Simulator 2006 is a revolutionary new game that puts players at the helm of some of the most varied and detailed ships to be found at sea, where they will need to perform a multitude of tasks, all set within a stunning 3D environment. Players will take control of a wide array of ship types, from massive cargo ships to speedboats, yachts, water taxis and even the mighty Titanic. The waters you sail are also as varied as the ships, from the biggest harbours in the world, such as Rotterdam and Hamburg, to the calm aqua marine waters of the Thai Phi Phi Islands. Gamers will experience how challenging it is to steer the Titanic through shallow water, or just how it feels to navigate a cargo tanker or tug boat - including how diverse the controls are. Ship Simulator 2006 is due for release June 15th 2006




i think it looks good but i saw this on another site and had to share it with you, did make me laugh.

Paint Dry Simulator 2006 is a revolutionary new game that puts players at the brush of some of the most varied and detailed paint colors to be found on fences and houses, where they will need to perform a multitude of tasks, all set within a stunning 3D environment. Players will take control of a wide array of paint colors, from bright whites to soft blues, yellows, greens and even the mighty vibrant red. The fences you paint are also as varied as the colors, from the biggest wooden fences in the neighborhood, such as mansions and the villas, to the calm white picket fences of grandma's house. Gamers will experience how challenging it is to paint a fence with a small brush, or just how it feels to use a roller brush to get that fence done quick - including how diverse the brush handles are.

So you can sail the titanic..wonder whats the first thing most people are gonna do in control of that ship. :eek:
Gerard said:
So you can sail the titanic..wonder whats the first thing most people are gonna do in control of that ship. :eek:

On that note, I wonder how they are going to deal with sinkings? Will you be able to puncture the hull and have a slow sinking? Or will it be, hit something, boat goes under water, game over.
Each to their own i guess.

I once played that 18 Wheels of Steel thing which is basically driving a truck around...boring in principal, but there was something hypnotic about it.

Can't imagine this being too fun. I mean once you'll hit the ocean, you'll see nothing but water. Once you set the course and speed are you just suppose to walk round the ship with a cup of tea and flog sailors who don't follow your orders?
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