My dream has come true: Ship Simulator 2006

geforceuser said:
his problem was only, that he could not measure the distance to the iceberg and therefore he could not know, that he wouldn't make it. so his choice was to try it or to hit the iceberg frontally and kill all the people (mostly crew members) sleeping in the front part of the ship.

He didnt know the ships design very well, when he reversed the engines the middle one which used a turbine was in front of the rudder, and did not have the ability to reverse, this greatly reduced the rudders turning ability and so the ship hit the iceberg, if he had maintained the speed it would have been able to avoid it.

Mr Blonde said:
Recently I take it? Not heard of it myself, not that I'm one for such conspiracy theories.

Ages ago. It couldn't have been the olympic because the front of bridge was flat and the olympics was curved.
Energize said:
He didnt know the ships design very well, when he reversed the engines the middle one which used a turbine was in front of the rudder, and did not have the ability to reverse, this greatly reduced the rudders turning ability and so the ship hit the iceberg, if he had maintained the speed it would have been able to avoid it.

Ages ago. It couldn't have been the olympic because the front of bridge was flat and the olympics was curved.
hmm, i see. you read the english wiki. well the german wiki has also an excellent article about it and they think, that whatever murdoch commanded about reversing the turbines etc, had no influence because the response time of the people at the engines was just too slow and survivors did not report any vibrations that would arise from reversing the engines.
The rudder was crap either way. Im amazed that it caused so much damage when the ship was going so slow.
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Im sure the vast majority of people would only enjoy this game if it had realistic weather, sea conditions, damage etc. People on the ships would be great aswell, especially if they get thrown around in rough seas :D

Actually on second thoughts, i think this game would be extremely boring.
Energize said:
The rudder was crap either way. Im amazed that it caused so much damage when the ship was going so slow.

Probably because it weighed like a small country ¬_¬.

and can you buy accessoirs for your ship? like fancy railings, custom painting and leather seats for the captain?

That's more of a management game than a simlator.
geforceuser said:
is there going to be a multiplayer? and can you buy accessoirs for your ship? like fancy railings, custom painting and leather seats for the captain?

ROFL, thats cheered my morning up no end!
Could be good fun if it's built with some challenges and "skip the five hours going in a straight line" options - Train Simulator was definitely one of the most interesting and compulsive games in recent years in my opinion.

This is the Titanic, the foreward promenade deck is enclosed, which it was'nt on the Olympic. ;)

Quantic said:
There would have been unthinkable damage to the ship. The whole front would crumple in. HOWEVER, only one or two of the watertight bulkheads would have been ruptured. Remember, the Titanic could survive would FOUR even FIVE of it's bulkheads ruptured. The Titanic would stay afloat indefinitly - enough time for the passengers to be offloaded to another ship and the Titanic towed to New York for repairs.

What actually happened, as we all know, the ship hit the iceberg on the right side, puncturing six? bulkheads. Titanic sank.
The Titanic sank due to stress inflicted on the hull by the sheer weight of water that had entered it, causing it to sheer apart before the ship had flooded to the point of losing bouyancy and actually sinking. Sure it would have sank anyway, but, supposedly a good while after it actually broke up.

Bulkheads failed during the sinking (reported as loud "booms" by survivors, as any submariner who's listened to a sinking ship after he's torpedoed it would tell you ) therefore the ship in all likelyhood would have still sank had fewer compartments been opened to the sea. The design of the ship was flawed and it simply was'nt strong enough to cope with serious flooding.

Had the ship flooded more than 3 compartments, simulations have revealed the hull would still have broken up as it did back in 1912.

The "Olympic" class of ships of which Titanic was one, were simply massively scaled up designs of much smaller vessels, Titanics designers simply did not understand the structural requirements of such massive ships to make them strong enough to deal with the stresses (i.e. weight) of flooding.

Titanic started to break up, on the surface, about an hour before she actually split in two.
Many scientific expeditions have found proof of this, its hardly surprising, the ship was literally plates & rivets, little welding, combined with the brittle quality of early steels, the ship stood no chance.

As for the simulator, has anybody tried "Virtual Sailor" ? Very good imo. :cool:
Includes the Titanic. :)
geforceuser said:
is there going to be a multiplayer? and can you buy accessoirs for your ship? like fancy railings, custom painting and leather seats for the captain?


The armchair experts crawling out of the woodwork here .. RE Titanic sinking is absolutely hilarious reading, I suggested the Tangent Topic of Titanic Theory Toppling LOL had a better place for discussion on here, maybe its not?

This might be more fun.
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Gerard said:
So you can sail the titanic..wonder whats the first thing most people are gonna do in control of that ship. :eek:

Reverse and destroy Liverpool. \0/

I would love to see it combined with SHIII.

Imagine that...

>Captain Smith Logged In
>Captain Smith Joined Whitestar Line
>Erich Topp Loggin In
>Erich Topp Joined Kriegsmarine
Erich Topp> Hallo
Captain Smith> Hi!
Erich Topp
Captain Smith
Captain Smith> WTF!? WHY!? :'(
Erich Topp> ZOMG! 46,328 Tons!
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