My family says I always look mad/unhappy... (dad/mom/sister)

I get exactly the same thing, from friends, family, people at work. My response is either;

A) Im mad
B) Im not happy about something

I'm glad my aura is accurately describing my feelings.
I have the old sad face when I'm relaxed, like Jack Dee, people were always saying cheer up and this really annoyed the hell out of me when I was young. I learned to force smiles when meeting people and when in conversation and now I hardly ever get those comments. Even when I do, I just say 'Make me laugh then !' and that never fails to deflate the issue. :) :) :)
"I just have one of those faces. People come up to me and say, "What's wrong?" Nothing. "Well, it takes more energy to frown than it does to smile." Yeah, you know it takes more energy to point that out than it does to leave me alone?".
I am not though, no one else has ever said anything to me, My mom says I look unapproachable. I am not unhappy or mad & honesty it annoys me when they say it. I have said I am not feeling bad, but I still hear it, I mean it has never been a everyday thing (them telling me), I just want them to leave me alone about it.

There's totally a video for this.. but I can't link it. Search youtube for "resting face".
Your facial expression is always a perfect representation of your mood, I used to suffer from depression, lived in solitude and cut my self off from the outside world, suppressed all of the real desires i had and tried to cover them up by staying in playing video games and eating all day telling my self i don't really want go after my true desires and live my dream life.

After many years of this i began to realize its impossible to truly irradiate your deepest inner desires and EVERYTHING you do to try and mask them leaves you living an unfulfilled mediocre life.

I used to be the guy that looked unapproachable, felt like everybody in the world was negative and selfish and it was all their fault that deep down i wasn't fulfilled. It wasn't until i said enough was enough i needed to change myself not anybody else that the world outside also began to change also. I went from being the moody unapproachable negative person to, extremely confident, happy, playful, funny dude that people genuine enjoyed being around, I couldn't see it at the time but looking back from my current perspective its so easy to connect the dots and see how your attitude and perspective on life massively effects how you interact with the world, the conversations and people you meet. I can now see people who were in my shoes, moody,negative no confidence and not actively doing what they truly desire and love to do and see how unattractive to other people that makes you, The only people that want to be around other negative people are negative people, positive happy people just don't want to be around them.

If people are truly noticing you look moody all the time, i would honestly with all due respect be honest with your self and ask yourself if you are truly happy and fulfilled? If somebody in my family told me i was moody all the time which they wouldnt anway but if they did a happy person would react with surprised smile like lol wtf what are you on about everything is good! if you react negativley in a moody way like whatever just leave me alone that suggests there is some truth in their observation.

thats another thing i now see with depression while your in the mist of it sometimes you are not even aware of it! or you are in denial you just think its normal for life to be dull and boring.
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I had similar negative comments from my mom and sister constantly. Take on board what they say but generally ignore them.

My mom said to me a few times that the reason i don't have girl friend is because i am not very approachable and she thinks i am intimidating towards girls.
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