My First Ever 'From Scratch' Build!

17 Aug 2011

Hi guys and welcome to my very first build thread. I've named this build the 'Shinobi 2500Ti' please refer to my parts list to see why :D


Hey Everyone,

I joined the Overclockers forum a few weeks ago when I decided it was about time I stopped wishing to build my own computer and actually started doing it!

So I decided why not make my own progression thread as this is the first computer I’ve ever built from scratch, and no doubt at some point I’ll need a helping hand. I’ve watched and read lots of tutorials and guides on assembling all the major components and I’m pretty confident about starting the build.

I use to play all my games on the PC (back in the days of Decent and Wolfpack) but over the years I turned more and more towards console gaming. This was to do with the fact I was only about 13 so couldn't afford a decent rig and also because all my friends had PS1’s, N64’s, PS2’s, Xbox’s, Dreamcast’s and Gamecube’s and so I followed suite. But lately I have gotten back into PC gaming and PC’s in general, mainly because I’m studying to be a video game artist and I realise how powerful the PC is compared to a console based systems. So after watching lots of LinusTechTips, NewEgg and Futurelooks on Youtube and reading PC Format and many other mags I decided its time for me to build my own gaming rig.

The System
So then I spent a long time thinking about what components I wanted to use, I knew from the start that my PC would be Intel based. I also fancy having a go at the whole overclocking thing so I decided to go for the Intel Core i5 2500K CPU as its well proven with overclocker’s and seems to almost be the standard CPU to throw into a gaming rig.

I also decided on the P67 chipset for my Mobo, as the H67 doesn't allow multiplier modifications to the CPU and the Z68 seems a tad like overkill as I’m currently not prepared to spend what I feel is a redonkulous amount of money on a SSD (I will look into this in the future when they are more affordable) and run SRT and what not.

Anyway here is my parts list, I have spent a good three months deciding on this list and it has gone through about four different revisions after recommendations from friends and forum members. I tried to make my PC as future proof as possible. But I can’t really afford a water cooled beast on my current wages so I’m making the best rig I can on my budge

Parts List
CPU - Intel Core i5 2500K
CPU Cooler - Corsair A50
Mobo - Asrock Extreme4 Gen 3 (PCI-E 3.0 & Ivybridge ready)
Case - BitFenix Shenobi (Windowed)
RAM - 8GB Kingston HyperX Genesis 1600Mhz
Graphics - MSI GTX560 Ti Twin Frozr II OC
PSU - OCZ Mod Xstream Pro 700W (Plan on sleeving the wires in red)
HDD - WD Cavier Blue 1TB
Optical - LG blah blah you just put discs in! (I already have a Blu-Ray setup, so I’m not worried about optical drives).

This list is now final, mainly because I’ve started buying parts and because if I just keep listening to peoples recommendations and changing parts again and again it will never get built. By all means fire off what you like and don’t like about this setup, I’m always interested to hear peoples opinions.

Wow now that is a post! I am waiting for my mobo and case to turn up then this thread will be getting some nice pics added to it.

But until then my PC building buddies, ciao!
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Hey folks,

Well the first components started to arrive today! can’t wait to get started on this build. I’m still waiting on my PSU to arrive and then I can start work on sleeving all the cables (it’s gonna take ages!).

Anyway here are some pictures for you guys to look over


The Case






The Mobo






Why on earth would I need this???


Pretty much the only thing I could do tonight was mount the USB 3.0 front panel bracket to the Bitfenix 2.5" adapter and fit the I/O shield! Ooo Exciting!





That's all for now folks, I just ordered some fans and some sleeving tools. More to come.
I have the 8GB Corsair Vengence kit which are also pretty tall and they just fit in next to my coolermaster hyper 212 ok (cant use the closest slot to the processor mind you)
Ya know what, that shinobi case looks nicer in ur pics than I thought.

That gpu will OC like mad and my MSI non ti is super silent too, good choice :D
Ya know what, that shinobi case looks nicer in ur pics than I thought.

That gpu will OC like mad and my MSI non ti is super silent too, good choice :D

Hey Seandog,

Yeah I was really happy with the case! If I'm honest I didn't expect much from its price but its really well made, good quality powder coating, nice thick side panels and its covered in this cool rubberised plastic. I was gonna get the good old Antec 300 but I'm glad I got the Shinobi now.
A bottom mounted psu, so id strongly advise getting one of these also...

Akasa 8-Pin 30cm PSU Extension Cable [AK-CB8-8EXT]
£4.79 inc VAT

Hey Lemin,

Thanks again for the advice. I was thinking of buying extension cables for everything because I want to sleeve them, and I don't want to ***k up the main PSU cables. But the only extensions I found that weren't pre sleeved had horrible white connectors on them! :eek:. Will have to keep looking.
Hey guys,

Just another little update for you. My case fans turned up today and also a little something extra! I also ordered the 8GB Kingston HyperX Genesis RAM kit but unfortunately I only received a 4GB kit! That'll teach me for not buying from OC. Anyway on with the pics:

The Fans - Bitfenix 120mm Spectre (Red LED)




Bitfenix Hydra LED Controller


Woah! I look forwards to seeing this develop! :D

How much has this cost you?

We'll so far about £200 but I haven't started buying all the expensive bits! lol I think with everything accounted for (Monitor, keyboard and other ancillaries) it will come to about £900!!:eek:. But its something I've always wanted to do so I don't mind.
Nice build - I had the USB thig with mine - no facia plate though - is it worth adding and what are the benefits?

It's not an essential purchase unless you want a easy way to turn off the fan LED's. I just thought it would come in handy if I'm gaming in the dark you don't really want red light glaring out of your case. Plus it's only £5.48!
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