My First Ever 'From Scratch' Build!

Hi there MrBell,

Thanks a bunch!

They really are like modern sculptures, I don't want to sound like a t*t or anything but they are a really cool blend of art and technology. There is a Swedish guy on the bit tech forum who makes the most awesome custom cases and incorporates art into them.

If this is your first build, would love to see it once you have built more. Can't wait for the rest of the pictures. I have subscribed to this thread so hoping more images soon! Do yourself a build log over in the build log section!
If this is your first build, would love to see it once you have built more. Can't wait for the rest of the pictures. I have subscribed to this thread so hoping more images soon! Do yourself a build log over in the build log section!

Thanks a lot! Never been subbed before!

Yeah this is the first time I have ever built a computer, I've been wanting to do it for ages though and am loving it so far! I just want to take my time and get everything perfect, I know once I'm done I'll rarely look inside the case but it's nice to know its there :D

I think I'm going to ask one of the mods to move this thread as I don't really want to type everything out again, I thought the build log was only for custom made PC's (you know the ones with hand built cases and everything).
Here we go with another little update!

I've finally finished sleeving my 8-Pin CPU power cable and I think it looks the nuts! :p. I'm just starting on the 24-Pin motherboard cable and hope to have that finished soon (8 pins in only 16 to go :rolleyes:)

Anyway time for some pictures:




Whilst trying to take the pins out of their connectors I found a much easier way to do this, not paper staples, not paper clips and not even special tools... No the best thing to use is INDUSTRIAL MAN STAPLES! They work a treat and are so much easier to use than any of the other methods, it was such a breeze with industrial staples I even made a little video! :D

Check it out!
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Hey folks,

Well my package from OC turned up today! What a way to start the week :D. Below are some pics of what arrived... Enjoy!













On a side note, I noticed whilst I was looking at the connectors for my PSU that one of the pins is missing from the 24-pin power connector :confused: is this normal on some PSU's or should I contact OCUK? The wire wasn't lose anywhere its just not there! Here is a photo (Third pin from the left on the bottom row):

is it easy enough to do the sleeving

Hey Scott,

Yeah the sleeving is the easy part as long as you take your time and are precise with your measuring and cutting. I buy the heatshrink pre cut so I know I don't have to worry about that. Time and patients in preparation will give you the best finish, I would also suggest practising on some spare wiring if you have it as it took me four attempts to do the first cable until I was happy with the results.

The hardest thing I found was taking the actual pins out of the connectors. It took me an hour to get the very first one out!! :eek: But once you get use to it you'll get them out no worries.

These are not set in stone, I've tried to spend as little as possible on something which can handle some of the newer games coming out. But this will merely be a stepping stone, I will be upgrading and modding this over the next year or two.

Any tips for me?
Hi spenncerr,

Yeah that looks like a good list so far! I'm not 100% up to date on ATI's graphic card models but I think the 6870 is current?! As long as it supports DirectX11 you'll be fine though. I take it you have RAM, case, HDD and optical drives as there not on the list?
Hi there great thread i am actually buying all my componenets at the moment and pretty similar setup same mobo and processor but getting the his radeon 6950 hd gpu and the cs-storm enforcer case, i love the sleeving might give it ago and will keep everyone posted as i will do a log like this, just makes it look a little better, but great forum mate good luck
Hi there great thread i am actually buying all my componenets at the moment and pretty similar setup same mobo and processor but getting the his radeon 6950 hd gpu and the cs-storm enforcer case, i love the sleeving might give it ago and will keep everyone posted as i will do a log like this, just makes it look a little better, but great forum mate good luck

Hey Dean,

Great news your building your own rig! Post a link on here when you start your log, I'll be waiting to enjoy reading it :). Yeah I've always been a member of Team Green, although the current series of AMD cards are very appealing. The sleeving really makes the cables look a thousand times better, I would strongly suggest you have a go.

Hey everyone,

Time for another little update! I've spent the last few hours fitting the PSU and Motherboard to my Shenobi case, thought I might as well start, so that I can begin planning my cable management. What a headache :rolleyes:, but I know it will be worth it in the end!

Anyway here are some pictures for ya'll:



Current Cable Management


Bitfenix Hydra LED Controller


That's all for now peeps, I should be getting some more cash flow soon :D so there will be a big update next week! I'm off to the Eurogamer Expo in London on Friday so might not be able to reply to posts until Saturday.

I do have to note your photography and editing skills are quite impressive! You have a great build going on here, looking forward to seeing more :)
looks great yet again, i might put my mobo in and psu aswell just to make a start because the wiring looks pretty time consuming lol what games u going to be playing once built ? i am looking forward to strnghold 3 and diablo 3

looks excellent though
Hi spenncerr,

Yeah that looks like a good list so far! I'm not 100% up to date on ATI's graphic card models but I think the 6870 is current?! As long as it supports DirectX11 you'll be fine though. I take it you have RAM, case, HDD and optical drives as there not on the list?

HDD is on the list! I've already got my ram, actually the same as yours.

I've not budgeted for a new case yet as my current case will suffice for now, even if it is ugly and has awful airflow.

I will need a new optical drive though ;)
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