my first go at overclocking

29 Dec 2005
oh dear, I decided to have a go, didnt have a clue what im doing though

1.8ghz 2200+ athlon socketA cpu, stock cooler
gigabite agp board nforce2??
1gb of elixer memory

started with 133mhz, changed it to manual settings, rturned it up slowly to 140mhz, it wouldnt start windows, turned the voltage up buy 0.1v and it would start, kept crashing, was getting 1.89ghz which isnt much I know, just wondering how far i can go, also there are other things like voltage % for DIMM and stuff and I dont know what they mean
good luck, er have fun!! :) start off very slowly. maybe you should invest in a powerful cooler if ** still using the stock one. stock ones are poop!
had another go last night, ive got a multi on it but it says 100%,120%, 150% etc, so its not very accurate, i put the fsb at 145mhz and left it at 100% which gave me 1958mhz, if i turn the 100% put to 120%(minumin increase) it wont boot up, if I lower it to 82% it wont boot up, i can change the agp frequency but dont know what to set it so, it is ati 9200se
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