My first payed event!

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
So I was out on Sunday evening at a rather posh fashion show and salsa dance/ball. An hour into the event the event organiser/manager approached me saying he had been let down by his photographer and I seemed to have the right kit and looked professional that he wanted to pay me to take photos for the event.

Being a student I was kind of nervous but I'm not gonna turn the experience down let alone the money so I happily accepted under the agreement he shouldn't expect professional results as I was ill prepared for the event and still only a student. (Had no tripod).

Anyway, I'm not "happy" with the results but I am still gonna go provide them to him and collect my money.

Here are the images...
You should be pretty proud of those results really. :)

Some nice stuff there considering the pressure. You certainly work better with flash than I do! :D

Were you using the old 2nd curtain flash sync for some of those? I've got to get mine out an practice more.
Would love to view your pictures but I can't because according to your website I don't have the Flash player installed. Which I do. :confused:
ajh99 said:
Seems to work in IE but not firefox for me - nice pics by the way, like the green ghostly dancers.

Works fine in FF for me....

Congrats Colin. You've done a good job. Let us know what you get for them ;)
MacX said:
You should be pretty proud of those results really. :)

Some nice stuff there considering the pressure. You certainly work better with flash than I do! :D

Were you using the old 2nd curtain flash sync for some of those? I've got to get mine out an practice more.
Huh? Lol. I only have a s9500 with normal flash, not external and I don't have the option that you talk about :(

As for the firefox problem, I can't work out why that is happening, it's just simpleviewer, and it works fine on my pc but it won't work on the pc I'm on right now either.


Thanks for the comments but I still don't like them... life would have been so much easier had I had my tripod with me!
Colin_da_Killer said:
Huh? Lol. I only have a s9500 with normal flash, not external and I don't have the option that you talk about :(

Is that the second time this month I have bamboozled you? Sorry. :D

And I forget you use a S9500. Then be even more proud of your work. Not like us boys with 'all the gear and no idea'. ;)
MacX said:
Is that the second time this month I have bamboozled you? Sorry. :D

And I forget you use a S9500. Then be even more proud of your work. Not like us boys with 'all the gear and no idea'. ;)
I don't really know what the curtain flash is, but if I would guess (becuase this is something i wish i could have done) is it when you take a photo then the flash fires at the end of the exposure time to freeze the last motion but still having trails from when the shutter was open before the flash showing movement?

That made a lot more sense in my head than it does on screen so I understand if I confused you :D
Just checked now and they are working fine. (Firefox here).

You should be proud of yourself for those ;) Nice work.

Considering the equipments you had the shots are okayish. But without proper flash, indoor & fast moving environment is really hard to capture good images.

I struggled when I tried to take pictures at model show with low lighting.
Congrats on gettin g the gig. There are somne good shots in there.

For those of you struggling to see the pictures, if you're still having problems try installing the most recent version of flash (9,0,16,0 if I recall correctly). I use simple viewer and galleries that are larger than just a few pics seem to cause some people problems. Usually it's just the box outlines with no pics or thumbnails.

When they've updated their flash viewer it's worked fine. They're usually on version 7 point something when they can't see it.
Everything was going smoothley then he sent an email stating he was cutting the paying price down by HALF! When the agreed price upon was nothing AT ALL as far as im concerned.

I spoke with my lecturer at the college (On my photography course) and showed her the photos and she says this guy is trying to take me for a ride now. All we agreed on was £100 for the night and he didn't imply a certain number of images he needed. Also, all in all I've spent roughly 6 hours on this "job", 4 hours taking photographs and another 2 processing.

I was the only one with a camera taking photographs at this event so I think I think the ball is in my court and I could have easily turned around and said I wanted £200 instead of the £100 we agreed on.

Let me know what you think...

Here is how the emails have gone...

From: colin winhall
Date: 09/25/06 21:24:23
To: The UnNamed
Subject: RE: Photographer @ Royal Exchange Square Ball

Dear Mr Messan,

This is Colin Winhall. I'm the person who you asked to take the photographs
for the evening at The Royal Exchange Square Ball.

I took 260+ images last night in hopes that I would get quite a lot that
would come out quite well, with my inexperience in indoor photography as
well as dancing scenarios, coupled with the fact I am still a student and
was not adequately prepared to photograph the event, I'm sorry to say the
majority of the images were a fluff.

I still have however have around 30-50 images which do portray the event as
it happened till closing time and I am in the process of touching them up
the computer to make them a little more professional.

When I have completed them I shall put them on a CD and we can arrange a
time for me to drop them off to you to have a look at if that's okay?
Otherwise let me know what best suits you.

Colin Winhall -

From: The UnNamed
To: "colin winhall" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Photographer @ Royal Exchange Square Ball
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:53:10 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)

Thanks for the email Colin

Your suggestion seems fair.

Let me know when you are done with the touch ups and we can arrange to



From: colin winhall
Date: 27/09/2006 18:31:58
To: The UnNamed
Subject: RE: Photographer @ Royal Exchange Square Ball

Hi Joel,

I'm finished. I have put 47 images on the CD. As well as a slide-show
webpage which is ready to be put online right away if you wish to. There is
a folder for the full size images, a folder for medium (Internet friendly)
sizes and a3rd one which is thumbnails (tiny pictures) of the photos.

I am in Glasgow, Monday-Thursday for College and can easily drop by Glasgow
after I finish there.

Let me know,

From : The UnNamed
Sent : 27 September 2006 19:27:42
To : "colin winhall" <[email protected]>
Subject : RE: Photographer @ Royal Exchange Square Ball

Thanks for this.

I am in Edinburgh at the Global Scott Conference all day Thursday and Friday. But please put it in an enveloppe and drop it off at the reception for me. I will have a look at them. Since we could only get about 47 pics, and to make it worth your effort, I will give you £50.

It is too late for me to leave you a cheque now, but you can drop in sometime next week to pick it up.



From: colin winhall
Date: 28/09/2006 00:20:30
To: The UnNamed
Subject: RE: Photographer @ Royal Exchange Square Ball

Hi Joel,

If you don't mind me asking, what are you using the photos for? Just on a website or do you plan on using them for advertising at all?

I do understand that only 47 are coming to you on the cd but atleast it is 47 that are all usable images and that I put a lot of hours and effort into making better. I don't know how many you needed but I think once you have seem them you will see that there are a vast number of photos and variety.

I also prepared a webpage to display them.

You can preview them at and let me know your first impression of them. I've circulated that link among friends and photographers I know and they seemed impressed by them, so hopefully you will enjoy them too.

Where did you want me to drop them off?

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If he needs the images that badly, he'll pay. Don't settle for anything else. You've spent a lot of time/effort on these, and it's bang out of order if he thinks he can cut your agreed pay by half.

If he'd had a freelancer I think he'd be paying an awful lot more than 100 notes for anywhere near and probably many less than 47 images.
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