My First Web Portfolio

10 Jan 2008
Hi all,

I started a thread on here in Nov 2010 saying that I wanted to become a web designer / developer. Well since then I got my first web job in March 2011 and things have been going well for me.

I decided to build a portfolio from scratch so I can start adding work to it. I've coded it all by hand and I've really enjoyed working on it. It's very light where the portfolio page is concerned but I intend to change that now.

the url is

Just thought I'd see what you guys and gals think of it. It's my first portfolio so don't go too hard on me. A few things need rewording, tweaking and I need to update my cv on it but it's nearly there. It's not a hire me site really, it's just a 'this is me and this is what I do'.

It looks best in firefox!

Many thanks,

Sylar stole that guys brain. :(

Looks nice though.

Why is there lines through random letters though?

I take it Growing Pixels is your site for selling your services and is currently a work in progress?
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Only thing I don't really like is the copy. Its all very generic

i.e. "I am passionate, attention to detail, standards compliant etc"

Every web designer / developer site seems to spew the same stuff and yet very few actually are capable of delivering.
Ahhh it did pass validation but I was playing around with Google web fonts last night and the link Google provided they forgot to close the link tag. I'll do that now.

Growing Pixels is just a mess around site I built so I could put something on my portfolio.

When I say it looks best in Firefox I'm just referring to the lack of css 3 support in IE and chrome doesn't render the Google web font very well at all, which is crazy.

As for the random lines in letters yeah it's just that, random. I'll remove them as they have no purpose whatsoever. ;)

Yes the copy isn't great but as I said, it's just my first portfolio and I wanted to get something out there. However, I am passionate about what I do and I feel I've learnt quite a bit in my first year. What I will give is 110%.
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How can you give more than what you have? :p ;)

Haha, thats the sort of thing I really dislike on portfolio sites. Generic text that makes you out to be uber dedicated an overly anal about everything.

Just explain what interests you and why. Your work will speak for itself and is a lot more telling than any amount of text.
i really like the look of it but you say the word skills WAY too much delete it off the beginning of every portfolio piece description imo. all i remember is skills skills skills but underneath that you have some nice clean modern pieces which will impress and draw in customers i'm sure.
Hi Aliesha,

Thanks for your comments. I agree with what you've said and I'm due to reword quite a lot of it anyway. To be honest, I didn't think too much about what I was putting but rather where and how it would look. Content is everything and that would normally take priority but the site was just something for me to get my teeth into.
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I think it looks ok

Looks quite generic and template like but I guess most websites at the moment do :(
Colourscheme is a bit grey

None of the portfolio images link to sites? couldn't find some of them on google either.
(if I was looking for a web designer for my company I'd want to see previous work properly to look at the design, coding etc. A screenshot doesn't really show this)
Sylar stole that guys brain. :(
I was thinking this :eek:
Hi Mortals,

Thanks for your comments. Quite disappointed that it's come across as a template. I designed and coded it all from scratch. Yeah I guess the copy can come across like that but that's something I can easily change.

With regards to the images not being links to work. They are just designs. Growing Pixels and Meden School are sites though. If you look at Growing Pixels from the homepage it will link to a sub domain.

I guess I need to do a full redesign and seriously think about what I put in it and what message I want to get across. I need to go back to the drawing board. I didn't think it was too bad for my first, how wrong was I lol. If you look at the mark-up for the site I would like to think that you'd think it's pretty damn clean.

Oh well....
The site lacks colour, too grayscale imo, and where you say at the top you're a front end devleoper and web designer, you also say the very same thing just below but in much bigger text.

Overall the design isn't bad, think some colour scheme changes would improve it a lot.
I hope you have obtained permission from the web agency you work for your portfolio. If you're displaying work you did whilst working for them. As it looks like your a self employed contractor, and the portfolio is your own.

My opinions are based on the premise that your employed by a web agency, and not a self employed contractor.
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