My First Web Portfolio

The site lacks colour, too grayscale imo, and where you say at the top you're a front end devleoper and web designer, you also say the very same thing just below but in much bigger text.

Overall the design isn't bad, think some colour scheme changes would improve it a lot.

The grayscale is intended to be like that. I just wanted the work I'd done to be in colour, to help emphasise it.

I hope you have obtained permission from the web agency you work for your portfolio. If you're displaying work you did whilst working for them. As it looks like your a self employed contractor, and the portfolio is your own.

My opinions are based on the premise that your employed by a web agency, and not a self employed contractor.

Several colleagues at work have seen it. It really isn't an issue at all. We're told from day one that we can have portfolios. The only two pieces of work I'm showing from where I work is a landing page I designed and a testimonial poster. Everything else on there is what I've done in my own time. The potfolio page is very light but I think people are forgetting that I've been in the web industry for one year, not five.
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Several colleagues at work have seen it. It really isn't an issue at all. We're told from day one that we can have portfolios. The only two pieces of work I'm showing from where I work is a landing page I designed and a testimonial poster. Everything else on there is what I've done in my own time. The potfolio page is very light but I think people are forgetting that I've been in the web industry for one year, not five.

That's ok. I'm not commenting on the portfolio quality/quantity. Just making sure you don't fall into any legal traps with your portfolio.

I used to be a back-end web developer. I had a contractual agreement that I had to seek permission to use any site that I worked on, as examples of my work.

Your portfolio will take time to build up. You should also have a section for R+D examples, e.g., showing off new techniques, cutting edge technologies etc.
Fair enough. If people are going to take the **** then so be it. Thought by coming on here I'd get some decent feedback, not snide remarks.

Please don't take my comment to heart, I was only saying it sounds very business jargon like putting something like that.

I said I like the deisgn and it has a well produced feel to it. Good work.
I think you might be taking the wrong impression from the advice you have received so far. Its a nice design, its just a fairly common way to present a portfolio site which is why it has been copied so much of late. If it was horrible then people wouldn't copy that style so don't take it as a dig.

We are all coming from a developer / designer perspective and certain things stick out like a sore thumb to us but that doesn't mean that we are not being unnecessarily anal or critical so take it with a pinch of salt.

Seeing that you have only been at it for a year, its very impressive and coming from someone that can't design, I have to say I am rather jealous of your talents.
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