My fun project! I am making a website!

12 May 2005
Ok, I know this should probablly go in the graphic arts section, but before mods move it, hang on I dont want advice on code or anything like that :P

I am going to be making a website on graphic arts (IE 3d work, photoshop, hand drawn) music (whatever music creation stuff you want basically) and even writting and acting. Pretty much everything under one thing. Now I will be the first to admit, I am going pretty slow with it. (ha ha ha... I made a funny as currently my 10MB NTL connection crawls along at like 1K a second) but I am figuring out styles/colour schemes/content.

It will have forums (yes I will be needing mods, but please don't put your name forward yet, I dont have the site started really, so I would prefer to wait a bit longer before asking) The rules for the forums will basically be similar to OcUK (no swearing, arguing kept to a minimum, that kinda thing). I will probablly give early registers an email address to at my site (not sure on that one though)

So why the post then I hear you yell! well,I was just wondering if anyone had any suggested topics they wanted to see in the forum/my website? as said, it will cover graphic work/music/that stuff in general. So feel free to comment.

Lastly, I already know who one super mod will be (and he knows via helping me out over msn on my domain thing) so dont think I forgot ya mate ;)
Game design \o/

As in both a show-off area for WIP work as well as a knowledge base on how to improve each others art (IE how to get the most of bump mapping).

Dark_Angel said:
yes I will be needing mods
highly doubt it... it takes time for a forum to get busy enough to need mods. there won't be anything that a single admin can't handle. my own gaming site is over 5 years old, and even now it only needs two administrators and two moderators.
so if you already have one super moderator then you really won't need anything more for a long time.
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MoNkeE said:
Game design \o/

As in both a show-off area for WIP work as well as a knowledge base on how to improve each others art (IE how to get the most of bump mapping).


I was thinking of adding a upload section to the site. Perhaps allowing members to upload samples of their work kind of like a public gallery or something. Good idea or bad?
Dark_Angel said:
I was thinking of adding a upload section to the site. Perhaps allowing members to upload samples of their work kind of like a public gallery or something. Good idea or bad?

Depends how much banwidth ** host gives you. If your board gets busy and everyone is uploading and downloading from ** site then it will chew up your bw real quick.
Dark_Angel said:
I was thinking of adding a upload section to the site. Perhaps allowing members to upload samples of their work kind of like a public gallery or something. Good idea or bad?

use to do that on my old website, some people that registered used it a lot. when I closed it at the beginning of 2006 there were about 15,000 images on it, mostly screenshots from games etc. might redo it and start it up again but only once I have a solid idea for it, which I don't at present :D
MoNkeE said:
Game design \o/

As in both a show-off area for WIP work as well as a knowledge base on how to improve each others art (IE how to get the most of bump mapping).

Another vote for this.
I'm running out of good places to exhibit the stuff I've been working on at uni.... and due to the lack of responses to anything I am doing I'm loosing interest.... :(
Don't get too ambitious about it all, stay focused on the content you need to include and make sure it's presented in a nice way, if you need any help during it then people in this forum should be able to help you, also if you're desperate to get a bit of attention digg the site and see what happens, for some critisism and popularity. :)
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