The case has arrived and I've got a few more pics.
The case isn't the greatest looking but it was cheap and came with a psu and has room for a slimline dvd/bluray drive.
I'm well impressed with the speed of the little thing despite the low clock speed and single channel memory etc and an old sata hdd. When opening programs its feels very responsive and suprisingly snappy.
Running it on windows 7 ult with 4 gig of 1333.,
It handles 1080p blu-ray and 1080p youtube superbly using powerdvd 11 or mp4 etc on wpc, (Cpu load hovers between 20-50 % with no slowdowns.
But as peeps may know it cannot play hd streams on bbc iplayer. The flash software needs updating.
Future plans involve either a samsung f3 1tb or an ssd, I'd make more use out of a hdd than an ssd at the moment due to the storage space.
The next thing i plan to buy is a slim-line internal dvd drive, or blu-ray drive,
but as my main pc has a blu-ray drive I may jusy get the dvd.
Overall it does everything that its intended to be used for.
Blu-ray playback to a 42 inch tv in the front room with the ability to browse the internet whilst being small and quiet with acceptable thermal levels.