My Grandad has died

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sorry to hear that mate. the important thing now is to give plenty of attention to your grandmother. but you obviously knew that. i hope you and your family are ok.
Sorry for your loss mate.

I lost 2 of my grandparents before I even knew them, both on my mums side. Lost my grandmother before I was even born, and I lost my grandad when I was 3. Just have my dads side left now, and my mum's step mum who are absolute stars, and it will kill me when they go :(
Sorry to hear about that. My step grandad died in the summer, but it was quite drawn out so at least everybody was prepared. Still one of the worst things you can go through though.
Sorry for your loss mate. Just remember the good times and that he is no longer suffering. I've only got the one grandparent left now (the rest either died before i was born or shortly after) and I dread the day I loose her.

My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. RIP.
Mattus said:
Grandparents have a unique place in your life, I think. They're close enough that you miss them terribly when they're gone, yet distanced enough that you perhaps don't discover what they're worth until they've gone. They're young enough to be there with you when you grow up and create an illusion of living forever, but old enough to be taken away just when you start to believe it.
Very true.
When I was younger and my grandad was fit and well I really thought he'd be there when I got married, when I had kids etc.

He died last year after a couple of years of battling some horrible disabilities. I miss him but there's no way I'd ever want to see him go through his last couple of years again.

They're all waiting for us in the grandadland in the sky :)
made me shed a tear thinkin about my grandads. but its a testament to him that you care so much.

take care m8y
Thanks for the messages of support guys, it really means a lot to read all these at the end of today.

He suffered with MND for 6 years, so its a blessing, I miss him terribly but I know his passing was a blessing for him.

I'll be fine because I know that time heals all wounds, and I will never forget him. Thanks again for your kind messages. :)
Lost one to alzheimers just before the new year :( It really hit me during his funeral, I've never cried for hours constantly before and I never thought I would.
Sorry to hear about your loss :(

I'm lucky enough to have all my grandparents, and all within a few miles so I see them quite often.
So sorry to hear that :(

I lost my grandfathers when I was very young - I'm glad you managed to spend some time with him as an adult.

I'm impressed with your character and the strength you're showing.

You have my thoughts and condolences.
Freefaller said:
So sorry to hear that :(

I lost my grandfathers when I was very young - I'm glad you managed to spend some time with him as an adult.

I'm impressed with your character and the strength you're showing.

You have my thoughts and condolences.
As above. I lost my Grandfather last January. He was in an old folks home and they did not allow any visitors because of some sort of bug and so I never got the chance even 2 see him at christmas. Not only was he my Grandfather but my best friend. I understand what you are going through and all I can say is hang on to that love :)
Sorry to hear your bad news. :(

My dads parents died quite some time and i never got to appreciate the time with them.

My mothers parents are fairly ill at the moment so im waiting for the inevitable.

Sorry to hear of your loss, but im sure they are at peace in a nice place. :)
Chronos-X said:
Lost one to alzheimers just before the new year :( It really hit me during his funeral, I've never cried for hours constantly before and I never thought I would.

I never realised just how horrible funerals are.

I took a few mates down to one in Wales in August. Even though I'd never met the guy before, I still found myself getting a tear in my eye when I saw other people crying. :(
Look into your heart and you'll find that he is still with you. Very sorry for your loss and, although everyone will tell you to be strong for your Dad, don't forget to allow yourself time to grieve too.
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